Trust. Essential for individual and organisational success.

Trust is the foundation which successful organisations are built on. Whether it’s the relationship between employees or the one between employees and their leaders, trust creates a culture that allows organisations to become high-functioning, accountable and outcome-driven, with improved employee retention and increased commitment and loyalty.  

Without trust, organisations suffer from office politics, infighting and a lack of communication that slows down decision-making and reduces effectiveness. It breeds fear, disengagement a lack of loyalty and reduced productivity. Team performance suffers, and employees will have trouble making decisions or admitting mistakes, fearing negative repercussions if they do.

The role leaders play is therefore pivotal in creating a culture where trust is at the forefront. By being transparent, authentic, and reliable they can help to create an environment, where open communication is encouraged, and staff can seek guidance and support without fear. An environment where employees feel able to own up to mistakes and bring solutions to the table, limiting the fallout of an error and allowing the employee to see the mistake as a learning opportunity.

When employees feel inspired by senior leaders and see their actions leading to business success, they start to trust their leaders. They become empowered to own their success. They feel able to share their ideas and opinions and because they aren’t afraid to speak up, different perspectives, ideas or solutions are put forward. When employers own their success, they can push through adversity, take responsibility for their performance and results, and enhance their skills.

Trust is also necessary to drive organisational performance and plays an important role in implementing change or navigating uncertain situations. It fosters ethical decision-making, promotes loyalty, and increases the willingness to remain with a company. It also plays a vital role in reducing stress levels and hostility in the work environment so developing and nurturing trust within the workplace is essential for a healthy and productive work environment.

Building trust as a leader is a gradual process that involves consistent actions and behaviours. It takes time and effort to build and it’s hard to win and easy to lose but It’s the foundation of a healthy and thriving workplace. Leadership development programs and ongoing support for leaders to ensure that trust remains a priority are therefore essential because in an uncertain business landscape trust is needed more than ever if individuals and organisations are to succeed. 

Journaling for self-awareness and growth


Resilience – Journaling – Leadership – Self-awareness - Growth

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Antonio Garrido, an expert in leadership transformation and Founder and President of My Daily Leadership, discusses the importance of journaling for self-awareness and personal growth. Antonio explains how he was led to journaling, how it helps develop emotional intelligence and resilience, and identify blind spots. He emphasises the need to be intentional and specific in writing down thoughts and beliefs, and how important it is in building self-awareness and gratitude. Antonio also provides practical steps for starting journaling, including affirmations, setting goals, and reflecting on progress.

Main topics

  • The importance of journaling and how to start it.

  • How journaling can enhance learning and personal development.

  • Prompts and exercises for journaling.

  • How journaling helps with self-awareness, resilience, emotional intelligence, etc.

  • Journaling to help in setting goals and affirmations, beliefs, and commitments.


1: Introductions - 00:02-00:18
2: Antonio's Background - Antonio shares a brief overview of his background, including his Spanish and Greek heritage, his experience working for large organisations, and his decision to become a coach - 00:50-02:34
3: The Conversation with the Group Chairman - Antonio recounts a conversation he had with the group chairman, where he was asked to write down the characteristics of a terrible boss. This conversation serves as a practical exercise - 12:09-15:38
4: The Importance of Journaling - Antonio discusses the significance of journaling and how it can enhance learning and personal development. He shares his own experience of journaling and explains different models that can be followed - 19:40-26:59
5: Setting Goals and Closing Gaps - Antonio emphasises the importance of setting goals and closing gaps. He suggests starting with affirmations, core values, and personal and business goals, and encourages the audience to write about them - 28:01-31:47
6: Commitments and Evaluation - Antonio introduces the concept of making daily commitments and evaluating progress. He explains the process of morning momentum and evening evaluation, encouraging the audience to give themselves a report card - 33:13-35:12
7: Resources and Conclusion - Antonio provides information about his book, website, and resources related to leadership and journaling. He expresses gratitude for the conversation and concludes the podcast - 36:31-37:26

Action items

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

The egoless leader?

Can you imagine your organisation with egoless leaders? Would it be a more pleasant, less confrontational work environment with better, more open communication? Would employees feel comfortable talking about what gets in the way of them doing their job? Would employee engagement improve because they feel their leader cares about them? Would it increase productivity, improve morale, and improve word of mouth from employees and customers?

Egoless leadership is an approach to leadership and management that minimises personal ego and encourages a collaborative and team-oriented work environment. It’s a concept of management that was made popular by Douglas McGregor in the 1960’s, and it aligns with the principles of humanistic management, of fostering a positive and inclusive organisational culture, that improves employee engagement and satisfaction. It also promotes innovation and creativity within teams and recognises that leadership is not about asserting authority but about enabling and supporting others to reach their full potential.

It's a concept that also understands that a successful leader can have contradictory traits (some leaders strike a balance between egoless leadership and assertiveness depending on the needs of their team and organisation), the art being to find a balance between any potential tensions that might occur between them.

Egoless leaders have a clear vision, build on and use the capability of their team, welcome input from stakeholders, and look for new opportunities to grow or do better. Their personality characteristics drive organisational culture and has a direct impact not only on their performance but also on broader engagement and team operations. They put the needs of the organisation ahead of their own, and act in a way that serves the business first.

Whilst it may not be suitable for all organisations or situations, egoless leadership can have real benefits. Although leaders need to have self-confidence and a belief in their abilities, they also need the ability to strike a balance and to avoid having an inflated ego. In today’s workplace, are humility, empathy, adaptability, collaboration and the well-being of the team and organisation more important than a leader’s ego?

Q & A Session - January 2924


Resilience – Toxic Resilience – Burnout – Leadership Styles - Adaptability

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Dr Russell Thackeray answers some resilience-based questions that have been put to him recently by listeners. This is the first podcast Dr Thackeray has done in this format and he covers a range of subjects including toxic resilience and how it relates to leadership, how toxic resilience can lead to burnout, different styles of leadership and the relationship between adaptability and resilience.

Main topics

  • What toxic resilience is and its connection to toxic leadership.

  • Why toxic resilience is the result of leaders expecting constant strength and performance from their employees without considering their well-being.

  • How toxic resilience can lead to burnout and a loss of energy needed for the job.

  • The importance of adapting leadership style to fit individual needs and situations

  • Why effective leadership is adaptable and driven by the task requirements, available resources, time constraints, and risk levels.

  • The difference between resilience and adaptability and why adaptability is a subset of resilience.


1. Introductions - 00:02-00 - 00:46

2. Question 1. Is there such a thing as toxic resilience? -  01:11-04:39

3. Question 2. What would Dr Thackeray’s preferred style of leadership be? - 05:48-09:11

4. Question 3. Is there a link between adaptability and resilience? - 12:02-13:47

5. Predictions and Expectations for 2024 - 13:58-18:40

6. Conclusion and Invitation for more Questions - 18:41-18:54

Action items

  • If you have any questions for future Q&A sessions, please send them to

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Individualism and influence


Resilience - Individualism - Influence - Leadership - Accountability

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Brian Smith, the founder and senior managing partner of IA Business Advisors, a management consulting firm that has worked with more than 19,000 CEOs, entrepreneurs, managers, and employees worldwide. In this podcast Brian discusses the importance of understanding people in leadership, the role of  accountability in promoting positive learning, the multidimensional influence individuals can have and how their non-participation can affect others.

Main topics

  • Approaching leadership development in small and medium-sized organisations

  • How individualism can mean different things depending on the area of influence

  • Understanding and harnessing our influence in a positive way

  • Why accountability is important for setting expectations and promoting positive learning.


1: Introductions and Background - 00:00-01:39

2: Leadership and Accountability - 02:08-11.40

3: Diagnosing Business Problems - 11:41-14:57

4: Individualism and Influence - 15:00-20:12

5: Conclusions - 20:50-22:51

Action items

Find out more at check out their social media accounts under “I” in Team series handle.

Their latest book is, Positive Influence – Be the “I” in Team which shares how to become our best selves with everyone we influence.

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Self-awareness. The number one leadership skill?


Resilience – Leadership – Self-awareness – Engagement – Emotional Intelligence – Bad Bosses

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Rob Kalwarowsky, a TEDx speaker and the co-host of the Leadership Launchpad Project, discusses his experience with bad bosses and the impact it had on his mental health. Rob shares how he overcame depression and launched a career in leadership coaching.

Before transitioning into leadership coaching and speaking, Rob spent over 10 years as an engineer within mining, oil pipelines, and consulting in heavy industry. He was also a 3-time Academic All-American in NCAA Water Polo and played on the U18 Canadian National Water Polo team.  Now he uses a combination of high-performance coaching, technology, and analytics to build winning teams and help leaders achieve their goals. 

Main topics

  • The negative effects of toxic bosses on company performance and employee well-being

  • The qualities a manager needs to build engagement

  • Employee engagement as a measure of good leadership

  • How work can provide meaning and purpose

  • Mindset, self-awareness, and the importance of self-management

  • Internal and external awareness

  • The need for emotional intelligence in leadership

  • Resources for dealing with bad bosses

  • Internal family systems and how it breaks down the internal world into parts or masks.


1: Introductions - 00:02 - 02:29
2: The Importance of Deep Work - 02.30 - 05:19
3: Self-Awareness as the Key Leadership Skill - 05.20 - 07:22
4: The Link Between Leadership and Engagement - 7.23 - 09:10
5: The Role of Managers in Building Engagement - 09.11 - 12:51
6: Leveraging Strengths and Purpose in Leadership - 12.53 - 18:01
7: Emotional Intelligence and Relational Intelligence - 18.02 - 23.02
8: Conclusion and Further Resources - 23.03 - 26.43

Action items

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.   

Putting people first – the benefits of Human Leadership

A survey by Gartner of 230 HR leaders showed that 90% of them believed that it was essential for leaders to focus on the human aspects of leadership if they were to succeed. It also showed there was a 37% increase in high engagement for those employees who worked for a human leader and that these employees improved their team’s performance by up to 27%. However, another Gartner survey of 3,400 employees conducted at the same time showed that only 29% of them thought that they were led by a ‘human leader’. The business case for human leadership is there so why aren’t leaders more committed to the approach?

Human leadership refers to the practice of guiding and influencing a group of individuals or an organisation towards a common goal through effective communication, collaboration, empathy, and understanding of human behaviour. It emphasises the importance of connecting with and inspiring people on a personal level, considering their needs, motivations, and strengths.

Contrasting with more traditional, authoritative, or transactional leadership styles that focus primarily on power dynamics, hierarchy, and task-oriented goals, human leadership places people at the centre, recognising that a motivated, engaged, and well-supported team is essential for achieving sustainable success. Some of the benefits of human leadership include:

  • Enhanced Employee Engagement: Human leaders build relationships with their team members that lead to higher levels of engagement and job satisfaction. Employees feel valued, supported and understood so are more likely to be motivated and committed to their work.

  • Improved Communication: Human leaders prioritise open and transparent communication, creating a culture of trust and encouraging team members to express their ideas, concerns and feedback, leading to better collaboration and decision-making.

  • Higher Productivity: Employees who feel connected to their leader and colleagues, are more likely to work collaboratively, share knowledge and contribute, leading to increased productivity and better results.

  • Reduced Turnover: Human leaders create a work environment that fosters loyalty and a sense of belonging. Employees are less likely to leave so staff turnover and recruitment and training costs are reduced.

  • Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Human leaders encourage employees to share ideas and perspectives, promoting a culture of innovation, creative problem-solving and new solutions.

  • Higher Employee Well-being: Human leaders show genuine care for the well-being of their team, provide support during challenging times and promote a positive and healthy workplace culture.

  • Effective Conflict Resolution: Human leaders address conflicts and disagreements constructively, using open communication and empathy to facilitate resolution and maintain positive relationships within the team.

  • Development of Leadership Skills: Human leaders focus on mentoring and developing the leadership skills of their team so individual growth improves and a pipeline of future leaders built.

  • Positive Organisational Culture: Human leaders contribute to the development of a positive organisational culture based on respect, trust and collaboration. This attracts top talent and contributes to the organisation's reputation and success

  • Adaptability to Change: Human leaders are more attuned to the emotional and psychological impact of change on their team which helps employees navigate transitions and adapt to new circumstances.

  • Higher Employee Satisfaction: Employees with human leaders are more likely to feel satisfied with their work, interactions with colleagues and overall work environment.

  • Improved Performance Reviews: Human leaders provide regular feedback and coaching so employees improve their skills and performance and contribute to meaningful and productive performance reviews.

Whist other leadership styles may have their own strengths and applications, human leadership stands out for its emphasis on building strong relationships, understanding, and addressing the emotional needs of team members, and promoting collaboration and empathy as fundamental aspects of effective leadership.

Human leaders choose transparency over control, relationships over hierarchies and wellbeing over productivity. They engage with employees, lead by example and are authentic and empathetic. They possess high emotional intelligence, are calm and confident, and communicate clearly.  They see change as a way of building a new and better future where the values and purpose of the organisation are genuinely believed in and lived out every day.

In today’s constantly changing world of work, can you afford not to be a more human leader?

Mindfulness for organisations


Resilience – Mindfulness – Performance – Leadership – Workplace Culture - Stress

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Andrew MacNeill, a leadership consultant who helps individuals and teams thrive under pressure, discusses how mindfulness can be used as a tool to improve both well-being and performance in high-pressure environments.  Andrew spent 20 years in senior leadership and throughout his career led large teams in high pressure environments. He is also an accredited mindfulness teacher and brought these two worlds together in his book Organisational Mindfulness - a How-to Guide in 2019.

By integrating his leadership experience and insights from being a mindfulness teacher Andrew has developed a method to help leaders and their teams embed and implement techniques which improve performance, build psychological safety and support their own and their collective wellbeing. 

In this podcast Andrew shares his personal experience of discovering mindfulness while in a high-pressure leadership role and how it helped him cope with stress. He also explains that mindfulness is about non-judgmental present moment awareness and choosing where we place our attention intentionally.  

Main topics

  • The implementation of mindfulness in organisations, particularly in meetings.

  • The importance of noticing one's own biases and reactions, choosing to respond rather than react, and being present for effective decision-making.

  • The need for cultural change towards mindful practices but acknowledging that it should be done thoughtfully as some people may not want to participate.


1: Introduction - Russell welcomes the guest, Andrew, and introduces the podcast. 00:00-00:23
2: Andrew's Work - Andrew explains that he is a leadership consultant who helps individuals and teams thrive under pressure. 00:56-02:03
3: Mindfulness - Andrew discusses how he discovered mindfulness and how it can be applied in a work context. He provides a practical example of how to practice mindfulness, and explains that it is a life-long practice. 02:05-08:28
4: Organsational Mindfulness - Andrew speaks about his book, "Organisational Mindfulness," which explains how mindfulness can be applied in a work setting. He discusses how mindfulness can help organisations support their people and deliver objectives. Andrew also explains how to implement cultural change and build skills to navigate high-stress environments.  08:51-15:24
5: Mindful Meetings - Andrew provides an example of how a program board meeting can be a practice in shared mindfulness. He explains how mindfulness can help people choose to respond rather than react in difficult meetings. 15:35-19:41
6: Conclusion - Russell and Andrew wrap up the podcast and provide information on where to find Andrew's book and services.  19:41-25:05

Action items

  • Find out more about Andrew's book Organisational Mindfulness.

  • Find out more about Andrew at

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Navigating Leadership and Finance: Smart Budgeting Strategies for Success by Katie Pierce

Leadership often occupies the limelight, but there's an unsung hero in the room—finance. Yes, while charismatic leaders receive applause, smart financial management hums quietly in the background, keeping the gears of the business turning smoothly. 

Through success or failure, understanding finances will help you navigate the rocky seas of business. In this article, we’ll break down the importance of finance, the pitfalls many leaders face, and how to overcome them. 

What is the importance of finance for business leaders?

The criticality of finance transcends industry sectors. Whether you manage a tech start-up or a local bakery, the rules are the same. Understanding your balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow gives you a dashboard view of your business health. Money talks, and when it speaks, leaders listen. It informs you when to expand your team, scale your product, or maybe pull the brakes on an aggressive marketing campaign.

In essence, financial mastery equips leaders with foresight. You forecast trends and navigate challenges before they escalate into crises. Furthermore, investors and stakeholders have an affinity for companies with sound financial management. It builds credibility and attracts investment, so make it a priority.

Do You Need Advisors?

Advisors can bridge the gap between financial literacy and strategic application. Unless you're a finance wizard who moonlights as a CEO, chances are you'll need some guidance. Advisors handle complex taxation, help with asset management, and even manage risk. They bring expertise that extends beyond crunching numbers.

However, advisors come at a price. Make sure your business genuinely requires this level of expertise before investing in an advisory team. Sometimes, a robust finance software package and a talented in-house team will suffice. But if you decide to seek outside counsel, choose advisors who understand your industry, your scale, and your growth aspirations.

Common Pitfalls

Now let's talk about the dark alleyways of financial management—the pitfalls you want to avoid. 

Avoid poor cashflow management.
First on the list is poor cash flow management. Without adequate cash, you'll find it difficult to cover basic expenses. It's like trying to run a car without fuel; it simply won't work.  Keep personal and business accounts separate to make bookkeeping straightforward.

Keep your invoices in order.
Don't overlook the significance of unpaid invoices either. They look harmless but can rapidly escalate into a financial bottleneck. Have a systematic invoicing process and make sure to follow up on unpaid dues aggressively. Invoices are evidence of expenses within your company and are crucial for knowing how well your financial plans will go. 

Ignoring the state of finances
Ignoring financial metrics is another misstep. Net profit, gross margin, and customer lifetime value are not just fancy terms. They're vital indicators of your business health. Keep an eye on these metrics and adjust your strategies accordingly. Finances are quite literally how you’ll stay afloat, so it’s important to take it seriously.

Best Strategies

Solid strategies act as the scaffolding for your financial architecture. Let's delve into some proven methods. 

Zero-Based Budgeting
Start each budgeting period with a clean slate and consider every cost anew. Effective budgeting will start with identifying your assets and liabilities, and it’s much easier when there’s nothing from last year to distract you. This approach instils a culture of cost-consciousness throughout your organization. Rolling Forecasts

Ditch the static yearly budgets.
Markets are dynamic, and your budgeting should be as well. Adopt a rolling forecast method, wherein you constantly update your budget based on real-time data. This keeps you agile and prepared for market fluctuations. This pairs really well with zero-based budgeting strategies because there’s never the expectation of the budget getting more complex over the long term. After all, it’s resetting every year.

KPIs and Benchmarks
Utilize Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure your financial performance. Identify industry benchmarks and strive to meet or exceed them. This not only gauges where you stand but also directs your strategies effectively. With rolling forecasts, it’s even more important to know these benchmarks for better planning. 

Strategic Outsourcing
Consider outsourcing non-core functions like bookkeeping, payroll, or even customer service. This saves costs and allows you to focus on your core competencies. Alternatively, implement automated finance solutions to streamline your processes. Automation minimizes manual errors, reduces the burden on your team, and most importantly, enables real-time tracking of your financial data.

Liquidity Maintenance
Liquidity equates to survival in the business world. Ensure you have enough cash or easily convertible assets. Don't tie up all your resources in long-term investments; keep a part of them liquid. Investments are smart, but they are not great for immediate emergency expenses. If you happen to be caught between investments,  utilize small business loans, to at least build up some credit for your business instead of cashing out a young investment.

Regulatory Compliance
Adhere to financial regulations and norms diligently. Non-compliance doesn't just result in penalties but also tarnishes your reputation. Maintain a compliance checklist and review it regularly. The one thing consumers will never forgive is their money being mishandled.

Final Thoughts

In the complex maze of business leadership, finance serves as your compass. The integration of sound financial planning and adept leadership cultivates a fertile ground for business growth and sustainability. Avoid pitfalls by being proactive rather than reactive. By following these fundamental strategies, you can make your finances flourish.

Guest Author

Katie Pierce is a teacher-slash-writer who loves telling stories to an audience, whether it’s bored adults in front of a computer screen or a bunch of hyperactive 4-year-olds. Writing keeps her sane (most of the time) and allows her to enjoy some quiet time in the evening before she walks into a room of screaming kids (all of whom she loves dearly) the next morning.

Passion into purpose


Resilience – Passion – Purpose – Female Entrepreneurs – Leadership – Values - Renewal

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Julie Perkins. After a 20-year career with Specsavers which included opening up the business in the Netherlands and Northern Europe, Julie decided to use the experience and learning she’d gained to support female entrepreneurs as grow their businesses in a more seamless way.

Julie has witnessed the ins and outs of a business founded in a spare room and launched onto the world stage, to surviving cancer, to writing books (The Wyse Way) and hosting her own podcast, She is now sought after for her advice and guidance for decluttering the minds of female entrepreneurs, and translating experience and researched theories into a language that helps her clients to see the path to growth, whilst ensuring it remains an exciting adventure.

Main topics

  • Why we need to step back and stop ‘doing more and more’

  • Why we need to ask ourselves the right questions

  • Creating space between yourself and the purpose of the organisation

  • The importance of constantly renewing yourself

  • Fostering purpose led growth


1.     Introductions. 00.00 – 04.51
2.    The greatest learning. 04.51 – 08.31
3.    Growth and success. 08.34 – 11.21
4.    Questions that give perspective. 11.21 – 17.33
5.    Learning through failure. 17.33 – 20.49
6.    Passion into purpose. 20.49 – 26.55
7.    Contact details and action points. 28.02 – 30.33

 Action items

Find out more about Julie at

You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative
Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Recognising a toxic work culture

With senior executives at ITV defending their work culture against allegations of bullying, trauma and discrimination, allegations of bullying against Dominic Raab and of misconduct at the CBI, workplace toxicity has never been so high-profile.  And recent research shows that these problems are a lot more common than you might think. In the US, around 30 million or one in nine workers consider their workplace toxic according to research from MIT Sloan School of Management, with the three main factors creating toxic cultures being bad leadership, toxic social norms, and poorly designed job roles.

These unhealthy and negative workplace environments can have detrimental effects on employees' well-being, job satisfaction, and productivity and are characterised by various negative behaviours, practices, and attitudes that hinder collaboration, growth, and a sense of belonging. So, if you’re looking to move jobs, what are the signs that an organisation is ‘toxic’?

1.     High employee turnover: A consistently high turnover rate may be an indication of a toxic work culture. People tend to leave in search of a healthier environment.

2.     Lack of trust and transparency: In a toxic work culture, there is often a lack of trust and transparency between management and employees. Important information is withheld, decisions are made without consultation, and communication is inconsistent or one-sided.

3.     Negative and gossip-filled environment: A toxic work culture often fosters negativity and gossip. If you frequently hear employees complaining, engaging in office politics, or spreading rumours, it suggests an unhealthy atmosphere.

4.     Micromanagement and lack of autonomy: If employees are excessively micromanaged and not given the autonomy to make decisions and contribute their ideas, it can indicate a lack of trust and a toxic work culture. Micromanagement can lead to feelings of frustration, disempowerment, and decreased job satisfaction.

5.     Lack of work-life balance: When work-life balance is disregarded, and employees are expected to work long hours consistently or are discouraged from taking time off, it can contribute to burnout and negatively impact well-being.

6.     Bullying or harassment: Any form of bullying, harassment, or discrimination within the workplace is a clear indication of a toxic work culture. This can include verbal abuse, insults, belittlement, or any behaviour that creates a hostile work environment.

7.     Lack of recognition and appreciation: In a toxic work culture, employees' efforts and achievements are often overlooked or undervalued which can lead to demotivation and decreased morale.

8.     Fear-based management: When fear and intimidation tactics are used to manage employees, it indicates a toxic work culture. Fear-based management can include threats of job loss, public humiliation, or unfair treatment.

9.     Resistance to feedback and change: Toxic work cultures often resist feedback and change. If suggestions for improvement are dismissed or met with hostility, and the organisation remains stagnant in its processes and practices, it suggests an unhealthy work culture.

10.  Physical and mental health issues: A toxic work culture can contribute to physical and mental health problems among employees. Increased stress levels, anxiety, depression, and physical ailments like headaches or sleep disorders may be prevalent.

Toxic workplaces are psychologically, emotionally, and physically draining so it’s best to avoid them completely. They can be difficult to spot though as the recruitment process puts leaders and teams on their best behaviour but research about the company prior to the interview and looking for the warning signs during the interview process could provide a heads-up.  Asking specific questions about work culture, expectations, employee turnover and workload and if possible, talking to current employees to get their perspective should also help avoid getting pulled in.

Combating proximity bias

One way or another, most people have been affected by hybrid or remote working. It’s something that has fundamentally changed the way people work and although there have been many benefits, it has also introduced some new challenges.

The pandemic initially led to remote working patterns that created a level playing field in terms of communication or having a presence in the office. Now, with many organisations moving to permanent hybrid or home working schedules, it’s become increasingly important for these workers ‘left at home’ to feel they are represented in the workplace and don’t suffer from proximity bias.

This refers to the cognitive bias that occurs when individuals favour or give more weight to information, ideas, or people that are physically or geographically closer to them. It’s a tendency to rely on or prioritise information that is readily or easily accessible, often overlooking or undervaluing more distant or less accessible alternatives. In the workplace, managers are seen to give preferential treatment to workers they are more familiar with because they are physically ‘in the office’. Because they are visible, they are then seen as more productive or as having more dedication to their role.

This bias can limit exposure to different ideas, perspectives, and experiences, potentially leading to a narrower view or a limited understanding of an issue. This can be problematical for employees in that they can get left out of decision-making processes and project assignments, become disengaged and demotivated, which ultimately hinders their success, career, and wellbeing. From an organisational perspective these attitudes can alienate remote workers, divide teams, and damage the overall company culture.

Anyone can fall victim to proximity bias and either intentionally or unintentionally promote it, so it’s something leaders need to be aware of to ensure it doesn’t stop the promotion of inclusivity and diversity and allows the perspectives, knowledge, and insight of physically distant people to be heard.

Overcoming biases is an ongoing process that requires conscious effort and continuous self-reflection, and as remote work is here to stay, managers need to understand proximity bias and build strategies to reduce it.

Building talent-centric organisations

 Keywords – Resilience – Communication Style – Leadership Alignment – Performance –Talent-centric

 In this episode of Resilience Unravelled, Dr Russell Thackeray talks to Carol Schultz a talent equity and leadership advisory expert. Recognised for her proficiency in corporate leadership, Carol spent three decades helping executives gain clarity in their careers, make bold leadership moves, and create cultures of performance.

In this podcast Carol talks about her work helping companies build talent-centric organisations. She explains that leadership alignment is crucial to achieving this goal and that she often starts with discovery meetings to identify gaps in vision and communication. She also discusses generational differences in communication preferences, the importance of diversity for avoiding groupthink and the challenge of dealing with conflict as a leader.

Carol also discusses the importance of communication and coaching for effective workplace relationships. She believes that blind spot awareness is crucial for building a talent-centric organisation but acknowledges that not all successful organisations prioritise this. She also talks about the challenge of working with people who have different beliefs or backgrounds, and how to navigate personal issues in the workplace.

Finally, she mentions her book "Powered by People," which focuses on recruitment, retention, and revenue in talent-centric organisations.

Main topics

  • discovering gaps in vision, business strategy, and communication

  • the differences in communication between generations

  • the importance of effective communication and understanding

  • coaching to uncover blind spots and give AHA moments

  • getting leadership teams aligned so they can take action on other matters

  • the need for effective team communication

  • understanding the preferred communication style of team members

  • addressing personal issues that may affect an employee's performance in the workplace.

  • why leadership teams should be open to conversations about improving organisational performance


1: Introduction and Guest Introduction (0:00-0:24)
2: Aligning Leadership Teams (0:50-2:58)
3: Communication Differences (3:06-4:37)
4: Effective Communication Strategies (5:20-6:35)
5: Coaching for Improved Communication (15:06-17:16)
6: Overcoming Personal Biases (18:10-20:47)
7: Addressing Organisational Issues (21:03-23:26)
8: Guest's Book and Interview (25:09-27:39) 

Action items

 You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative
Resilience and Burnout solutions.  


Ambiverts as leaders

Generally, people are thought to be either introverts or extroverts although most us sit somewhere along this spectrum. Whilst introverts enjoy peace and reflection and may be happier working on their own, extroverts thrive on being around people, engaging with others and enjoying social connection.

If though you possess both traits and can naturally shift your behaviour depending on the environment you’re in then you might be seen as an ambivert. Ambiverts have a balance of both introverted and extroverted personality traits so they may enjoy socialising and being around people, but also need time alone to recharge their batteries. They can be outgoing and assertive when needed, but also reflective and introspective when required. They are comfortable in a variety of social situations, but may also feel drained after extended periods of interaction.

They can also make good leaders and managers as they are adaptable to a variety of situations and can communicate effectively with different types of people. For example, they can be assertive and decisive when needed, but also listen to and empathise with their team members. They can balance the needs of the organisation with the needs of their team members, creating a positive work environment that encourages collaboration and productivity.

Ambivert leaders can also leverage their ability to connect with people to build strong relationships with stakeholders, clients, and employees, which can lead to better outcomes for the organisation. Additionally, they can be comfortable in both leading from the front and delegating tasks to others, which makes them well-rounded managers.

The downside is that ambivert leaders can sometimes struggle with decision-making because they may weigh both sides of an issue equally and find it difficult to choose a course of action. This can lead to delays in decision-making and inaction, which can be problematic in a fast-paced work environment. Another potential downside is that they can  sometimes struggle with prioritising their time and energy and, as they enjoy both socialising and spending time alone, they may find it challenging to balance their work and personal lives. Finally, possessing both introverted and extroverted traits, means they may need to adjust their leadership style depending on the situation so they may struggle to find a leadership style that works for them.

Overall, whilst there are potential downsides to ambivert leaders, these can be mitigated through self-awareness, effective time management, and a willingness to adapt their leadership style if and when needed.

Intentional Leadership

 Keywords - Resilience – Leadership – Intentionality – Implicit Bias

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Dr Kristen Albert. a leadership coach and podcaster with 30 years of experience in education, discusses her definition of leadership, the importance of intentionality and the aspects positively correlated to leadership effectiveness.

Kristen believes that everyone at every level is capable and responsible for leading within their sphere of influence and talks about the need to change the traditional paradigms surrounding what it means to be a leader. She also discusses how intuition can be misleading but that listening to one's body can provide valuable insight into decision making and her advocacy for diversity and equality in leadership positions.

Main topics

  • the leadership circle profile

  • hierarchy and leadership

  • the need for intentionality in leadership

  • the importance of personal work in recognising implicit bias and benefiting from systems that have been created over time.

  • the need for leaders to remove fear from the workplace and create psychological safety.


1: Introductions 00:02--00:40
2. Defining Leadership 02:05-03:45
3: Details of Leadership 04:18-06:57
4: Harnessing Potential of Difference 14:30-16:25
5: Personal Leadership 22:10-23:08
6: Ways to Work with Kristen Albert 23:26-25:46
7: Conclusion 25:48-26:20

Action items

   You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
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Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Lyrical Leadership and the five-step path of transformation.

Keywords - Resilience – Leadership – Poetry – Control - AI

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled, Aneace Haddad, an executive coach and author based in Singapore who talks about his background as a former tech entrepreneur turned leadership coach and writer. He talks about his recently published book, "The Eagle That Drank Hummingbird Nectar," which explores the concept of lyrical leadership through the five-step path of transformation - entering the path, resilience, limiting beliefs, innovation, and mindfulness – to enable leaders to let go of limiting beliefs and labels to become more resilient. The book is structured as a fictionalised account of his experiences and draws on Eastern philosophy principles without explicitly mentioning mindfulness.

Main topics

  • The importance of relinquishing control to create a new culture that can solve complex problems.

  • The concept of lyrical leadership

  • The value of letting go of rigid labels and authority while maintaining some control

  • The illusion of self and mindfulness

  • Overcoming contradictions and balancing innovation and results


1: Introductions 00:00-00:36
2: Aneace’s background and career 00:41-02:19
3: Aneace's novel and writing process 02:19-04:11
4: Lyrical Leadership and Aneace's approach to coaching 04:46-06:39
5: Aneace's Book "The Dream", Five Steps to Resilience, and Letting Go 06:56-09:49
6: Detaching the illusion of self and mindfulness 11:29-14:33
7: Overcoming contradictions and balancing innovation with results 15:04-16:43
8: Chat GPT and the future of writing 17:43-21:15
9: Contact information 21:52-22:39
10: Conclusion and Farewell 23:00-23:17

Action items

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative
Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Changing times. Leadership in the entertainment industry.

Keywords: Resilience – Leadership – Empathy – Entertainment Industry – Executive Coaching

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled, Dawn Kohler a writer and executive coach in the entertainment industry discusses how media and entertainment are going through cataclysmic change right now due to streaming services like Netflix and Amazon. This has kept her busy coaching leaders who struggle to develop themselves and their teams during times of uncertainty or turbulence. She discusses the evolution of leadership styles in the industry and the focus on empathy and accountability, and also touches on the importance of proper nurturing in parenting and how organisations can value the wisdom of elders while embracing diversity for growth.

Main topics

  • How the media industry reflects our society and shows how it has moved forward.

  • The evolution of leadership style and approach behind the screen.

  • Why adults need to hold space for somebody and listen to the acknowledgment of somebody being hurt by something they unintentionally or intentionally did.

  • A generational shift towards people who are resilient is happening because of leaders' great intentions with zero competence.

  • Building resilience means having the ability to get things wrong and put things right.

  • Why organisations should value the wisdom of the elders and have good mentoring programs.


1: Introduction to Dawn and her work as a writer and executive coach (00:00-01:34)
2: How Dawn found her path in the entertainment industry and her success dealing with the human dynamic during times of change (01:51-03:07)
3: The role of entertainment in reflecting society and representing different sectors of the population and emotional issues (03:38-05:56)
4: The evolution of leadership style or approach (06:01-07:01)
5: The power of communication and social media in giving viewers the ability to share their opinions and bring things to the surface (07:11-08:12)
6: The importance of empathy and acknowledging hurt when unintentionally or intentionally offending someone (12:07-14:11)
7: Dawn's work as an author and her latest book, "The Messages," which is a memoir that tells the underbelly of her own story (14:19-18:37)
8: The need for resilience and the importance of learning the ability to get things wrong and put things right (19:48-23:00)
9: The value of wisdom from elders in organisations and the importance of passing down corporate history (23:08-24:59)
10: The importance of escalation and having challenging conversations in organisations (24:51-26:14)

Dawn is also the author of three books, including her latest memoir "The Messages," which discusses her personal journey through severe abuse in childhood, which led to a shift in perspective and ultimately into the field of executive coaching.

Action points

  • Learn about Dawn at

  • Read Dawn’s book ‘The Messages. A Memoir’

   You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
Find out more about our innovative
Resilience and Burnout solutions.  

Leading in the hybrid world

For large numbers of people working wherever and whenever they want is now a reality. However, whilst increased flexibility and reduced commuting times are a positive for employees, leaders are dealing with the reality of a hybrid working model.

Leading a hybrid team can be complex. Leaders have to create a collaborative, cohesive culture that merges remote workers with office-based teams. They need to maintain consistently high performance and productivity and deal with interpersonal conflict. They also need to engage and develop talent, lead and support change initiatives, establish goals and priorities and create a sense of inclusion and belonging.

Leaders need to focus on:

1.     Communication: In a hybrid workplace, communication is more important than ever. Leaders must ensure that all team members feel included, informed, and engaged, regardless of where they work. Regular communication channels should be established, such as weekly team meetings, daily check-ins, and virtual office hours. Leaders should also make an effort to communicate in multiple formats, such as video calls, emails, and instant messaging, to accommodate different working styles and schedules.

2.     Flexibility: The hybrid workplace requires leaders to be more flexible in terms of work schedules, work arrangements, and deadlines. Leaders should be open to accommodating different work styles and preferences, and be willing to adapt to the needs of their team members. They should also provide the necessary resources and tools to enable remote workers to be productive and successful.

3.     Trust: Trust is a key component of effective leadership in the hybrid workplace. Leaders must trust their team members to work independently and manage their time effectively, while also being available for collaboration and communication. This requires clear expectations, open communication, and a culture of accountability.

4.     Inclusion: In a hybrid workplace, it's important to ensure that all team members feel included and valued, regardless of where they work. Leaders should be proactive in creating opportunities for team building, such as virtual social events and team-building activities, to foster a sense of community and connection.

5.     Technology: Technology plays a critical role in the hybrid workplace, and leaders must ensure that their team members have access to the tools and resources they need to be productive and successful. This includes providing remote workers with the necessary hardware, software, and training to use technology effectively, as well as ensuring that in-person and remote workers can collaborate seamlessly.

6.     Feedback: Providing regular feedback is essential in the hybrid workplace to ensure that team members are on track and achieving their goals. Leaders should establish a regular feedback schedule and be proactive in providing both positive feedback and constructive criticism.

Overall, effective leadership in the hybrid workplace requires a combination of clear communication, building trust, flexibility, embracing technology, and creating a culture of inclusivity. With these key aspects in mind, leaders can effectively manage and guide their teams and achieve their organisational goals regardless of where they work.

The leadership journey

Lisa Marie Platske lives on an 86 acre farm in Kentucky and from there runs her own leadership and development company where she offers corporate retreats and works with leaders individually and in groups. Her belief is that most people want health, happiness success and meaning in their lives and that the meaning comes from contribution and the desire to make a bigger difference.

People talk about the idea of ‘bigger than myself’ and originally Lisa’s journey was thinking that leadership was very much tactical - you hire, you fire, you work in culture and change. She recognised over time that leadership is a very personal journey. When one doesn't take that journey personally and it is simply about the tactical there is something missing. When you ask about where does this idea of meaning and making a difference in the other and the group comes from, for her it came when she was interviewing leaders and asking what it was they did to be successful. She thought at the time it was about the tactical but came to recognise that each of the leaders took the journey themselves around planning and understanding their personality and creating partnerships.

Lisa also believes that sense of the collective and almost feeling an emptiness when the focus is solely on the self comes from recognising that we are part of the greater fabric of humanity. We are the behaviours we engage in; in how we think and in the actions we take. When somebody engages in their own leadership journey and comes to this awareness, there is more conversation as people move up that hierarchy of basic needs once those are met.

Lisa developed the 7 Pillars of Leadership from the interviews she did with leaders. Her career had been in Federal law enforcement and she didn’t have any background in business. When she started doing the interviews she wanted a short cut in business. What do the best leaders do?  How do they do it? Can this shorten my learning curve? The 7 Pillars came from themes and all start with the letter Plan, Personality, Partnerships, Priority, Presence, Progress and Personal and Professional Development.

You can find out more about Lisa Marie at www.upsidethinkinking

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
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Resilience and Burnout solutions. 


Executive loneliness. Overcoming isolation in the business world.

Nick Jonsson was born in Sweden but he left in the 1990’s because he wanted to learn English. He moved to Australia where he played golf professionally for a few years before moving to South East Asia where he has lived and worked since 2004.  Mainly working in Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand, Nick took on a number of MD roles leading large international companies.  After a while Nick realised he was quite lonely and he can now see he was isolated perhaps because he had ‘elbowed’ his way to the top, something many executives do. He changed his life, leaving the corporate world five years ago and now knows many other senior executives find themselves in an isolation trap.

Nick tried to balance the stresses of his working life by playing hard. Initially he did this through exercise but life had its ups and down and he was divorced in 2015.  This left him feeling even more isolated both at work and at home so it was natural that he wanted to go out and meet people. It was a lot easier to go to the bar instead of going to the gym and having a couple of drinks was OK in the short term but it became a bad habit. He stopped his gym membership and became a regular at the bar, which in turn became a downward spiral. He realised a change was needed but this was very slow. At the time his friends were happy to see he was out and about, it was good to see him enjoying himself, they were worried about him just exercising and being on his own. It felt natural and he didn’t realise it before it was too late. He put on a lot of weight, his health deteriorated, he had hypertension and high blood pressure. He was only 42 years old and was in poor health.

Then with the added stress of work it got to the point where he couldn't stop the drinking. He realised he was addicted. It had been secret and silent for a long time and he didn't want to admit he had an addiction and issues. He was at rock bottom but had to admit it to himself and to other people to get out of it. People had thought he was coping and didn't have a problem with drink and it's the same with loneliness. It seems as if everything is OK until you suddenly realise it’s a problem. Until you realise it's a problem you don't know its problem.

Once he was on his way to recovery, Nick wanted to know if he was the only one suffering in this way. He sent out a survey to other senior executives to find out how lonely they were in their roles. His first finding in 2019 was before the pandemic and showed that 30% of the senior executives he surveyed actually admitted they were suffering from loneliness in the workplace. He went back to the same group in 2020 during the pandemic and the figure had gone up to 59%. He was definitely not alone!

The senior executives Nick surveyed worked in the C-Suite in large multinationals based in Singapore. A number of them were European or American, working as regional directors in large companies so they were displaced from their home countries and often only had their immediate family with them. They needed a different type of support without knowing it.

Nick knew about the loneliness so the next question he asked then was whether this was something they would talk to HR or their boss to. The answer was that 84% wouldn't. The type of role they were in meant they were the people who needed to be seen as being the strongest and stereotypically not able to ask for help. Some people have external executive coaches but many people find it hard to trust internal bosses or HR so who did they turn to? When asked do you seek professional help 75% said no so they were coping by themselves. Nick feels that one of the few good things that came out of the was that psychologists and therapists could be seen online so people could start to reach out without being seen in a waiting room somewhere. Anonymity is there now so there has been some progress but people are still reluctant to talk about it and seem to deny it because the stigma is still there.

Many of these leaders are what Nick calls anxious over achievers like himself. He was not good at high school went overseas to study at university. Once he got a taste of winning scholarships and topping some classes he wanted to take it to the workplace.  What was important was getting to the top, getting power and getting promotions packages. What he saw when he conducted his interviews was that many were as anxious as he had been and thought the way to prove themselves was to achieve and get power in the company. There are many leaders walking around feeling very anxious.

Men tend to define themselves by their work about what they have rather than who they are. If the job is lonely then that's what you've striven for and your sense of achievement is linked to. The realisation that this can feel empty can have a real impact. Nick found that women tended to have a few close friends that they could be vulnerable with. They could share some of the challenges or issues facing them. If you are exposing yourself to a friend that friend will help and guide you but men often have good friends to play golf with, to have couple of drinks with or have a good time with.  Nick’s way of relaxing meant not bothering friends with issues he was having at work, rather it was something he left at the office. He went out and had a good time but then woke up in the middle of the night worrying about a problem that was still there in the morning. He was bad at having someone to talk to about his issues and it was the same with many of the executives he interviewed.

Men can be just as emotionally intelligent as long as they are skilled up to be but there may be a cultural thing around the acceptance that men shouldn’t talk to each other about difficult issues. The current generation breaking it down through and there is a new attitude. Some of this may come down to parenting. In Asia people are very quiet about what’s happening in their family and there is a lot of stigma about mental health and addictions generally.  People keep things to themselves a lot more than in the western world where we are speaking up a lot at the moment.

At work the leaders are often a parent substitute and need to create an adult culture where just deciding you don't like something isn’t OK because you still have to come to work and perform. If leaders are lonely they will find it hard to provide a positive adult culture with supportive mechanisms right through. Vulnerability has to start at the top. No one is going to knock the bosses door and open up about the issues or challenges they are facing if the leader has never been seen to be vulnerable. Why are we all so scared of admitting to others that we are going through a challenging time?

The world of work is changing and although styles of leadership before Covid weren’t working, they are still are being pursued. A new style of leadership may be needed going forward. Career limiting mistakes can drive leaders to loneliness. The easiest thing to do is make a mistake - it’s not about all the brilliant decisions you make, its how few bad decisions you make. This is what leads to the dumming down of the average.  It’s a sign of weakness to make a mistake. Admitting weakness is a sign that we are struggling and that is a mistake. We need to change that. If you have a leader who is lonely, ethical decisions start to be comprised as well because the leader becomes weaker.

There is some positive change though. In his own company Nick operates a fail fast policy so as soon as you make a small mistake people need to admit it and share it so everyone can learn from it. If there is a culture where people are comfortable sharing their mistakes and what they learned from it, people would not be so scared and mistakes will be dealt with and not be so costly. For example, in Nick’s company the marketing team have an additional budget called ‘Test and Trial’ which they can use to try new things so if it doesn't work out its ok and people learn from the exercise.

Nick’s networking organisation, Executives’ Global Network (EGN) Singapore providing more than 600 senior executives and business owners with a safe and confidential space where they can share their challenges, receive support, and learn from each other. It’s as if you have your own private advisory board or an external management team. You can put your problem on the table for the facilitators or moderators to discuss and the aim is that executives leave a session feeling the pressure has been lifted. Just talking can help because even if they don't get the answer, they get sympathy and support. It’s a shared experience. The perception that people at the top don't get lonely is a very dangerous one.

You can find out more about Nick at

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
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