Combating proximity bias

One way or another, most people have been affected by hybrid or remote working. It’s something that has fundamentally changed the way people work and although there have been many benefits, it has also introduced some new challenges.

The pandemic initially led to remote working patterns that created a level playing field in terms of communication or having a presence in the office. Now, with many organisations moving to permanent hybrid or home working schedules, it’s become increasingly important for these workers ‘left at home’ to feel they are represented in the workplace and don’t suffer from proximity bias.

This refers to the cognitive bias that occurs when individuals favour or give more weight to information, ideas, or people that are physically or geographically closer to them. It’s a tendency to rely on or prioritise information that is readily or easily accessible, often overlooking or undervaluing more distant or less accessible alternatives. In the workplace, managers are seen to give preferential treatment to workers they are more familiar with because they are physically ‘in the office’. Because they are visible, they are then seen as more productive or as having more dedication to their role.

This bias can limit exposure to different ideas, perspectives, and experiences, potentially leading to a narrower view or a limited understanding of an issue. This can be problematical for employees in that they can get left out of decision-making processes and project assignments, become disengaged and demotivated, which ultimately hinders their success, career, and wellbeing. From an organisational perspective these attitudes can alienate remote workers, divide teams, and damage the overall company culture.

Anyone can fall victim to proximity bias and either intentionally or unintentionally promote it, so it’s something leaders need to be aware of to ensure it doesn’t stop the promotion of inclusivity and diversity and allows the perspectives, knowledge, and insight of physically distant people to be heard.

Overcoming biases is an ongoing process that requires conscious effort and continuous self-reflection, and as remote work is here to stay, managers need to understand proximity bias and build strategies to reduce it.