Mental Health Training For Managers
These mental health training workshops support employees, managers and organisations to better understand and recognise mental health problems in the workplace. Recent media attention has arguably blurred the lines between the common frustrations and difficulties of modern life and ‘formal’ mental illness. This training offers clarity and accurate information to improve the processes of good personal Mental Health Practices. It also raises awareness and offers a practical toolkit designed to support and equip employees with strategies to better manage mental health in the workplace. This programme can be provided as a one-day training course, a session at a conference or as part of a coaching programme for individuals.
By the end of the programme, leaders will know:
Understood and discussed the fundamentals of mental health
Understand how good mental health relates to individual and team performance
Learned how to identify signs that mental health may be becoming compromised
Linked strategies for stress reduction, anxiety management and pressure to appropriate solutions
Built and practiced methods to manage day-to-day performance whilst maintaining an ‘adult’ environment to maintain good mental health
Course Outline
Understanding what mental health really is, how it both enables and causes challenges
Understanding the links from childhood to mental health
How neuro-chemistry and physiology drive issues and challenges
The effect of breathing and diet on wellbeing and health
How your mental state affects the way you think and mental ‘toughness’
Understanding emotions, how they work and how they can be managed
Understanding the process of ‘grief’ and the various states associated with it
Deep dive into ‘anxiety’’ as well as into the wider list of emotions and the effect on behaviours
Understand the mental health challenges and opportunities around change
Building confidence and positive mental attitude
How tricky relationships, particularly involving conflict can create issues at work
The Triune brain, health and performance implications
Facing stress and cultural implications
Building Emotional Intelligence
How to deal with pressure
How to balance workload to get the best outcomes
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Listen to the Resilience Unravelled Podcast
“Russell’s podcast is eye-opening! ”
Dr Russell Thackeray has been building resilience in organsations for a number of years and knows that so many more people could benefit from what QED do. That’s why he decided to collect stories from ‘real’ people about their lives, challenges and learning and turn them into podcasts.
With over 250 episodes, Russell shares thoughts and ideas about resilience with different specialists and provides a bigger picture of how building resilience can make a real difference, to help people who may be facing similar challenges.
You can access the podcasts on iTunes and other platforms, or listen on the website here.
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