Julie Perkins - Passion into purpose

Julie Perkins has witnessed the ins and outs of a business founded in a spare room and launched onto the world stage, to surviving cancer, to writing books and hosting her own podcast, Whatever your business problems may be, Julie has lived them and has learned how to look forward and survive.

After a 20-year career with Specsavers which included opening up the business in the Netherlands and Northern Europe, Julie decided to use the experience and learning she’d gained to support female entrepreneurs to grow their businesses in a seamless way that fosters purpose-led growth. Now, Julie is sought after for her advice and guidance and her passion for decluttering the minds of female entrepreneurs means she is able to translate experience and researched theories into a language that helps you see the path to growth, whilst ensuring it’s still an exciting adventure.

In this podcast:

  • Why we need to step back and stop ‘doing more and more’

  • Why we need to ask ourselves the right questions

  • Creating space between yourself and the purpose of the organisation

  • The importance of constantly renewing yourself

  • Fostering purpose led growth.

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