Q & A Session - January 2924


Resilience – Toxic Resilience – Burnout – Leadership Styles - Adaptability

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Dr Russell Thackeray answers some resilience-based questions that have been put to him recently by listeners. This is the first podcast Dr Thackeray has done in this format and he covers a range of subjects including toxic resilience and how it relates to leadership, how toxic resilience can lead to burnout, different styles of leadership and the relationship between adaptability and resilience.

Main topics

  • What toxic resilience is and its connection to toxic leadership.

  • Why toxic resilience is the result of leaders expecting constant strength and performance from their employees without considering their well-being.

  • How toxic resilience can lead to burnout and a loss of energy needed for the job.

  • The importance of adapting leadership style to fit individual needs and situations

  • Why effective leadership is adaptable and driven by the task requirements, available resources, time constraints, and risk levels.

  • The difference between resilience and adaptability and why adaptability is a subset of resilience.


1. Introductions - 00:02-00 - 00:46

2. Question 1. Is there such a thing as toxic resilience? -  01:11-04:39

3. Question 2. What would Dr Thackeray’s preferred style of leadership be? - 05:48-09:11

4. Question 3. Is there a link between adaptability and resilience? - 12:02-13:47

5. Predictions and Expectations for 2024 - 13:58-18:40

6. Conclusion and Invitation for more Questions - 18:41-18:54

Action items

  • If you have any questions for future Q&A sessions, please send them to info@qedod.com

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
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