Advanced Personal Resilience and Mental Toughness - Workshop or Coaching Sessions

This course is suitable for those who have had exposure to the fundamentals of resilience and want to drive their performance and purpose even further. It can also help HR and Learning & Development practitioners embed many of the principles of resilience into teams and the overall culture. This programme can be provided as a one-day training course, a session at a conference or as part of a coaching programme for individuals.

By the end of the programme, leaders will know:

  • How to identify opportunities to build your own emotional intelligence and mental toughness and those of the group

  • The key principles of emotional intelligence and how it impacts on the balance of toxic and ‘clean’ relationships

  • How your behaviours and choices ‘set the tone’ for your people and teams

  • How to build capacity and resilience into your processes and ensure those are supported by culture

  • How decisions add value

  • How success can be differentiated for different people and led and managed appropriately

  • How performance can be improved within the context of your job

  • Have an action plan for implementation

Course Outline:

  • Resilience and personality – using the ‘big five’ and SCARF from neuro-leadership to build and understand personality toolkits and the effects on performance

  • Resilience and relationships – the expansion of conflict, diversity of approach and innovation to build resilience and having ‘difficult conversations’

  • Look at ‘anxiety’’ as well as into the wider list of emotions and the effect on behaviours

  • Using the TA toolkit to make sense of group interaction, particularly conflict

  • Help with ‘thinking clearly under pressure’ and other mental toughness techniques

  • The Triune brain and its health and performance implications

  • Facing stress and cultural implications using a case study and review

  • Building mindsets through confidence and the competence/confidence dilemma

  • The use of attribution theory and optimism

  • Purpose and attention, the toolkits for liberation

  • Using language to build resilience and performance

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Listen to the Resilience Unravelled Podcast

Russell’s podcast is eye-opening!

Dr Russell Thackeray has been building resilience in organisations for a number of years and knows that so many more people could benefit from what QED do. That’s why he decided to collect stories from ‘real’ people about their lives, challenges and learning and turn them into podcasts.

With over 250 episodes, Russell shares thoughts and ideas about resilience with different specialists. He provides a bigger picture of how building resilience can make a real difference, to help people who may be facing similar challenges.

You can access the podcasts on iTunes and other platforms, or listen on the website here.

Make sure you subscribe to be alerted of the latest releases and don’t forget to follow Dr Russell Thackeray on LinkedIn too!

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Think Differently.

In these unprecedented times that the world is experiencing, QED are keen to continue to support you - whether you are senior executives, leaders or managers.