Podcasts 2023

Craig Thayer battled a reading disorder that went undiagnosed until he was fifty-five years old. Despite that and numerous other challenges including suffering a twisted intestine, witnessing his adopted mother’s alcohol problem, healing from a skull fracture in college and struggling to find his self-esteem, the call to become a surgeon grew louder and louder. Through adversity, he has become a well-respected surgeon, head of trauma and a community leader. He now wants to share his stories to give hope, inspiration, and a sense of belonging. His passion is to inspire and motivate others to live their life to the fullest. In this podcast:

  • What inspired Craig to become a surgeon?

  • How does Craig deal with the stress of being a surgeon?

  • Craig’s thoughts on spiritual beliefs and their impact on health

Renée Marie Joyal survived a life-threatening illness, an autoimmune disease, and a terrifying drunk-driving accident. Her intense study of functional medicine and the science of well-being led her to a practical way to live a more meaningful, healthy life full of possibility. Renée’s methods create optimal health and happiness, proving small changes lead to big results. Renée’s mission is to use her wellness wisdom and life experiences to inspire and empower others to cultivate vibrant health for a beautiful life. In this podcast:

  • Making specific lifestyle changes to overcome autoimmune disease.

  • The functional medicine practices Renee implemented in her life.

  • How being in an abusive relationship affected Renee’s health and autoimmune disease.

Linda Rossetti is a business leader, Harvard MBA, former Fortune 500 executive, and pioneering researcher on individuals’ experience at the crossroads of their lives. In times of upheaval, uncertainty or disruption we need a new response to how we imagine ourselves. Linda offers insights that can serve as on-ramps to moving beyond these points of uncertainty and a roadmap for personal and professional success that empowers individuals to greet uncertainty with confidence. In this podcast:

  • The power of changing narratives and shifting from a chronological narrative to a value-based narrative

  • Why people should see disruption as an opportunity to engage more of themselves and amplify their voices.

  • Changing the way society responds to disruption.

Jason Shen is an executive coach with a focus on resilience and reinvention who is renowned for guiding entrepreneurs through crucial transitions.  A former national champion gymnast Jason faced multiple setbacks including layoffs, lawsuits, company failure, and traumatic knee injuries, so he understands what it takes to adapt and overcome adversity! Now, he coaches entrepreneurs and teams through crucial transitions and writes about creative risk whilst his skills-based Resilience Rules framework has helped hundreds of founders, leaders, and professionals learn to respond, restore, rebuild and reflect in the face of change. In this podcast:

  • The concept and process of organisational pivots

  • The impact of founders in organisational pivots

  • The relationship between resilience and pivots.

Buki Mosaku is the founder and CEO of Diverse City Think Tank, a workplace bias and diversity-and-inclusion consultancy and one of the world’s foremost bias-navigation experts. Buki suggests there is a new way to deal with workplace bias by equipping individuals with the skills to navigate bias, rather than labelling certain groups as victims or perpetrators.and emphasises the importance of calling out bias and engaging in dispassionate developmental inquiry to address it effectively. In this podcast:

  • What unconscious bias is and why individuals and organisations need to be aware of it in order to address it effectively.

  • Why the traditional model for addressing workplace bias focuses fails to equip individuals with skills to navigate bias themselves.

  • Creating an awareness and culture profile within organisations that promotes a bias-free environment.

Rob Kalwarowsky is a TEDx speaker and the co-host of the Leadership Launchpad Project, rated Canada’s #3 Leadership podcast. Before transitioning into leadership coaching and speaking, Rob spent over 10 years as an engineer within mining, oil pipelines, and consulting in heavy industry. He was also a 3-time Academic All-American in NCAA Water Polo and played on the U18 Canadian National Water Polo team.  Now he uses a combination of high-performance coaching, technology, and analytics to build winning teams and help leaders achieve their goals. In this podcast:

  • The negative effects of toxic bosses on company performance and employee well

  • Employee engagement as a measure of good leadership

  • The need for emotional intelligence in leadership

Alyse Maslonik is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and survivor of domestic abuse. Her mission is to empower and uplift people, especially young women, who have been dealt a tough hand. Just like she was.Born into generational poverty, Alyse overcame the odds to escape her circumstances and become the founder and CEO of RedefinED. She and her team have raised millions of dollars in scholarship money for children from underprivileged backgrounds. As a speaker and an author covering these difficult and painful topics, she hopes to inspire and help women experiencing similar struggles. In this podcast:

  • How anger can be used as a tool for good.

  • The importance of learning from past experiences.

  • The need for action and creating actionable items to create change.

Dr David Rosmarin is the founder of the Centre for Anxiety (New York, Boston, Princeton), associate professor at Harvard Medical School and director of the McLean Hospital Spirituality and Mental Health Programme. Dr Rosmarin defines anxiety as a response similar to fear but triggered by uncertain or future events rather than immediate danger. He feels that anxiety can be a normal and potentially positive emotion if managed correctly, challenging the notion that it is always negative or pathological and suggests that instead of fighting their anxiety, people can turn it into a strength. In this podcast:

  • Tools for managing anxiety.

  • The concept of increasing tolerance of uncertainty as a way to cope with anxiety.

  • The role of community and social connections in managing anxiety and improving mental health.

Aziz Musa is a transformative leader in the digital marketing realm. As the youngest public company CEO in the UK, Aziz had already made significant strides in the corporate world. However, in 2017 against a backdrop of political unrest and war, he founded Cush.Digital with the vision of building both a social enterprise and the digital economy in Sudan. His initiative helped train over 4,000 individuals in digital marketing pro bono catalysing the birth of hundreds of startups and laying the foundation for Sudan's digital economy. In this podcast:

  • Creating a social enterprise alongside a business

  • Making deliberate decisions and having a higher purpose when facing adversity.

  • Using logic and expertise to determine real threats.

Dr. Jennifer Guttman is a clinical psychologist who fuses traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques with her own core methods, which have been developed and refined through thirty-plus years of personal interaction with her clients. She is often asked the question, “Why am I not happy?” and her response is that happiness is not an achievable goal, it’s a fleeting emotion that is often out of our control. Jennifer urges us to work towards sustainable satisfaction, to stop chasing the fleeting emotion of “happy” and redirect our thinking toward sustainable life-satisfaction. In this podcast:

  • Why we should aim for long-term life satisfaction rather than constant happiness.

  • The impact of people-pleasing behaviours on relationships.

  • The six techniques for sustainable life satisfaction

Norman Rosenthal is a world renowned psychiatrist and bestselling author who first described seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and pioneered the use of light therapy as a treatment during his twenty years at the National Institute of Mental Health. A prolific researcher and writer, he has written more than three-hundred scholarly articles and authored or co-authored ten popular books, his latest Defeating SAD, offers an up-to-date guide to overcoming the miseries that millions experience with the changing seasons. In this podcast:

  • The importance of light in regulating circadian rhythms and its effects on mood.

  • How transcendental meditation can help with winter depression

  • The role of the vagus nerve in relaxation

Dr Charryse Johnson, LCMHC, NCC is a veteran psychotherapist and mindfulness practitioner whose work focuses on the intersection of trauma, somatic integration, spirituality, and social justice. She is the founder of Jade Integrative Counseling and Wellness, an integrative therapy practice where personal values, the search for meaning, and the power of choice are the central focus. Charryse holds a B.A. in human development and family studies; an M.A. in professional counseling and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology with a concentration in crisis and trauma. In this podcast:

  • What is integrative mental health and how does it differ from traditional approaches?

  • How can we teach children to analyse information and think critically?

  • What are the negative effects of social media on children's ability to think and how can we build resilience in them without making them navigate difficult situations?

Andrew McNeill has spent 20 years leading large teams in high pressure environments.He is also an accredited mindfulness teacher and has integrated these two worlds in a method to help leaders and their teams embed and implement techniques that improve performance, build psychological safety and support their own and their collective wellbeing.  He specialises in enabling teams to connect better and listen to each other and helping leaders to thrive through the challenges and opportunities of leadership. His techniques have assisted teams and individuals to navigate very real challenges and communicate with honesty and kindness. In this podcast:

  • The implementation of mindfulness in organisations, particularly in meetings.

  • The importance of noticing one's own biases and reactions, choosing to respond rather than react, and being present for effective decision-making.

  • The need for cultural change towards mindful practices but acknowledging that it should be done thoughtfully as some people may not want to participate.

Julie Lewis, a 38-­year HIV survivor, and mother to Grammy Award winning musician, Ryan Lewis, was infected with HIV in 1984  following a blood transfusion. It was not diagnosed until the early 1990s when she was given three to five years to live. After years of silence about her disease, she found an unlikely community of friends to fight alongside and began using her story to make a difference. Her experiences offer insights about grief and loss, caregiving, spirituality, and the importance of community in the midst of tragedy. More than 38 years later, she is living life to its fullest and her priority is to make quality affordable healthcare available to those in underserved communities. In this podcast:

  • How one phone call can change the track of your life

  • Navigating an HIV diagnosis

  • Building the 30/30 Project

Frank Forencich is an internationally recognised leader in health and performance education. He earned his B.A. at Stanford University in human biology and neuroscience and has over 30 years teaching experience in martial arts and health education. In a hypercomplex world, Frank feels that conflict is inevitable, but that we don’t teach it in any intentional way and that a sense of martial artistry is essential to our survival to help us understand the world, think clearly, navigate complexity, and exercise skill in the face of escalating stress and ambiguity. In this podcast:

  • How to turn on the autonomic nervous system to avoid chronic stress.

  • How martial arts develop the whole person and help people understand the environment and how to take appropriate action.

  • The lost art of conversation and verbal dexterity and the importance of harmony in martial arts to avoid conflict.

Vasavi Kumar is a life coach and licensed therapist with a myriad of in-person, print, televised, and social media experience. A first-generation Indian American growing up on Long Island and diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 19, she learned to become extremely self-aware and take action to create the life she wanted for herself. Now she shares her message that how you talk to yourself matters, that there is power in saying our thoughts out loud because it allows us to step back and ask ourselves, ‘Is the way that I’m speaking to myself helpful or hurtful?’’ In this podcast:

  • The concept of developing a bold voice

  • Ways to get clear on what you want and don't want in your life

  • How verbal regulation can help organise your mind and ideas

Chris Marshall is a speaker who has a wealth of life experience and a unique perspective. As a High Functioning Autistic (HFA), Chris has always seen the world a little differently. But this different perspective has fuelled his curiosity and led him on a series of adventures – from ski racing to behavioural science to global macro strategy – to becoming a Master Distiller and owning an international award-winning distillery. Now, as the director of the Fast Paced Complex Environments (FPCE) Institute, he brings together a wide range of fields to address some of the most complex challenges facing society today. In this podcast:

  • How stress can elevate pessimistic viewpoints due to neuroplascity effects on our brain circuits

  • Why becoming aware of our emotional state is important for controlling it.

  • How emotions are just signals representing ease of thinking about a specific concept and not necessarily positive or negative.

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Julie Perkins Whatever your business problems may be, Julie Perkins has lived them and has learned how to look forward and survive. From witnessing the ins and outs of a business founded in a spare room and launched onto the world stage, to surviving cancer, writing books and hosting her own podcast, Julie is sought after for her advice and guidance. With a passion for decluttering the minds of female entrepreneurs, she is able to translate experience and researched theories into a language that helps you see the path to growth, whilst ensuring it’s an exciting adventure. In this podcast:

  • Why we need to step back and stop ‘doing more and more’

  • Creating space between yourself and the purpose of the organisation

  • Fostering purpose led growth.

Jim Harshaw is the son of a construction worker and secretary who became an NCAA Division I All-American wrestler and later the youngest Division I head coach in the country. Throughout his life, he has spent significant time with Olympians and millionaires, discovering their systems and frameworks for world-class performance. Now he helps CEOs, entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 leaders, and athletes from the NFL, UFC, NCAA, and Olympics maximise their potential, build high- performing teams, and increase resilience by leveraging failure for success. In this podcast:

  • The importance of focusing on the process rather than the outcome.

  • How creating a vision in all areas of life is critical for setting goals that align with one's purpose

  • The importance of failure in personal growth.

Friedemann Schaub, MD, PhD is a physician, researcher, personal development coach and author who has helped thousands of clients world-wide to overcome fear, anxiety and self-limiting patterns by addressing the deeper, subconscious root causes of these mental and emotional challenges.Dr. Friedemann recognised that our abundant self-healing abilities can only function effectively when mind, body, and spirit are in alignment; in particular the subconscious mind holds the keys to accelerated healing, change and growth. In this podcast:

  • Working with the subconscious mind to overcome self-sabotaging patterns and beliefs that lead to disempowerment.

  • How past events can affect us emotionally and physically in the present and how to neutralise those patterns using subconscious language.

  • Living a fulfilled life by being true to oneself and avoiding patterns of people-pleasing or avoidance.

Marv Weidner lost his wife, Marty, to cancer in 2017 and was unsure how to find the resilience and sense of purpose to begin living his life again. With the help of Carol Goldfain Davis, his grief counsellor, Marv learned valuable lessons about facing grief head-on, embracing loss as an integral part of life, staying present in the midst of trauma, de-stressing in healthy ways, and reaffirming or discovering a new sense of purpose. They co-wrote When the Rocks Sing: A Story of Love, Loss, & Learning to Live Again and the book places the voice of a man who lost his beloved wife to cancer side by side with the perspective of the grief counselor who walked the road of rebuilding and resiliency with him. In this podcast:

  • Rediscovering a sense of purpose after loss

  • Understanding and characterising grief

  • Why embracing loss and similar challenges is an integral part of life

Susan Bauer-Wu is the President of the Mind and Life Institute, an organisation co-founded by the Dalai Lama in 1987 to bring science and contemplative wisdom together to better understand the mind and create positive change in the world. In her work with Mind and Life, Susan has championed “human-earth connection” as a priority. Having begun her career as a registered nurse specialising in oncology and end-of-life care, she later completed PhD studies in psychoneuroimmunology and has held leadership, teaching, and clinical positions in nonprofits, higher education, and healthcare. In this podcast:

  • Connecting inquiry with important issues in the world today, including climate change.

  • Reversing climate crises through heart-based practices.

  • Bridging science and contemplative wisdom to create positive change in the world.

Lynda-Ross Vega is an expert at harnessing the power of perception to help individuals and organisations implement change, empower collaboration, and develop talent.  She started working with Dr. Gary Jordan, who has over 40 years of experience in clinical psychology, behavioral assessment, individual development, and coaching, in 1983, and together they created Perceptual Style Theory™, a psychological assessment system that provides the answers for people to tap into their natural strengths and find more meaning and satisfaction in life. In this podcast:

  • How Perpetual Style Theory helps people understand their natural and acquired skills.

  • The different styles involved in the Perpetual Style Theory

  • How the tool can be useful for self-awareness and communication

Beth Fisher-Yoshida is a global expert and educator in intercultural negotiation and communication. She’s the program director of Columbia University’s Master of Science in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, a negotiation consultant for the United Nations, and works worldwide conducting workshops on leadership, culture, workplace conflict, and negotiation. Negotiating isn’t easy. but it doesn’t have to be a trigger word that’s avoided as science reveals proven strategies that can help women get what they want! In this podcast:

  • The importance of having a flexible mindset when operating in a different culture

  • Tools and techniques for negotiation

  • The language of conflict resolution

Sanjeev Loomba has over thirty years of leading global corporations, transforming hundreds of organisations and thousands of people, Sanjeev’s experientially honed methods have brought growth and exceptional results and performance to individuals and businesses, from blue chips to SMEs. These results have been trailblazed by his revolutionary new method and technique, Valuepreneurship. It’s the perfect response to the dynamic, chaotic, dis-unified new world we find ourselves in. It’s a valuable culture shift for any organisation or individual. In this podcast:

  • The importance of perspective and context in understanding value, and how organisations can become too siloed

  • The concept of valuepreneurship, where individuals prioritise making an impact on others over selling products or services

  • The need for collaboration and calculating return on investment to show the value of decisions.

Lisa L Levy is the author of  Future Proofing Cubed and founded Lcubed Consulting, a management consulting firm that focuses on aligning our client's people, processes and technology. Her secret sauce to success is leveraging key elements of Project Management, Process Performance Management, Internal Controls, and Organisational Change Management to build teams with the skills and capabilities to drive strategic results. In this podcast:

  • The importance of process building, system design, and leadership management in future-proofing an organisation.

  • The challenge of aligning people, processes, and technology to achieve organisational goals.

  • The importance of adaptability, innovation, and ideation in business.

Carol Schultz is a talent equity and leadership advisory expert who has spent three decades helping executives gain clarity in their careers, make bold leadership moves and create performance and sustainable, talent-centric cultures that run at maximum efficiency.  Talent-centric organisations (TCOs) put their people first, weaving employee needs into the very fabric of the company and the resulting ROI can generate 32% more revenue than traditional organisations over a five-year period, get new products to market twice as fast, and outperform the competition on the S&P 500 by 211%. In this podcast:

  • Discovering gaps in vision, business strategy, and communication

  • The differences in communication between generations

  • Why leadership teams should be open to conversations about improving organisational performance.

Ali Greene is co-founder of Remote Works, an organisational design and consulting firm with a mission to liberate teams from the nine-to-five and teach them how to do their best work anytime, anywhere. Along with Tamara Sanderson, Ali has spent two decades in distributed workplaces working in varied environments, including big tech, startups, creative agencies and management consulting and private equity companies helping them all to find out how to make remote work actually work. In this podcast:

  • How Ali developed resilience while traveling and working remotely.

  • The future of remote work..

  • The benefits of asynchronous communication in remote work.

Dr. Kristen Albert is an executive leadership coach who is changing the image of a leader from having to be someone at the top of the corporate ladder or holding a title of privilege to someone able to make a difference. She knows unequivocally the leadership characteristics that are positively and negatively correlated to leadership effectiveness and is skilled at helping individuals to not only identify the characteristics that are holding them back, but coaching them to reduce the negatively correlated characteristics while focusing intentionally on growing the skills that will create positive leadership impact. In this podcast:

  • The need for intentionality in leadership

  • The importance of personal work in recognising implicit bias and benefiting from systems that have been created over time.

  • The need for leaders to remove fear from the workplace and create psychological safety.

Aneace Haddad is a successful entrepreneur, author, and mentor with 35 years of experience in the technology industry. His mentorship skills and experience in leading senior executives have earned him a reputation as a sought-after mentor and facilitator, helping leaders to effectively navigate change and transition. He is dedicated to inspiring and motivating diverse workforces and sees change as an opportunity for growth and expansion.He has written a highly praised business fable, "The Eagle That Drank Hummingbird Nectar," which offers a five-step framework for success in both business and life. In this podcast:

  • The importance of relinquishing control to create a new culture that can solve complex problems.

  • The concept of lyrical leadership

  • Overcoming contradictions and balancing innovation and results

Molly Sider is the creator and host of I Am This Age, the podcast proving you're never too old to make a big change. Molly has been making her own big life changes throughout her 40’s including transitioning from being a long-time wine professional to a podcaster and certified professional life coach. Molly is also a storyteller and believes the most efficient way to create peace in the world and within yourself is by sharing your story and listening to other people share theirs. In this podcast:

  • The benefits of sharing personal stories and experiences.

  • How opening up can help individuals understand their core identity and values.

  • The importance of interpersonal communication in calming one's nervous system and reducing stress.

Dawn Kohler was an award-winning entrepreneur in the computer industry when she was abruptly summoned to take a life-altering course. What followed was a healing journey that gave her profound insights and a deep understanding of the human dynamic and how it plays out at home, work, and in our communities. Combining these insights, and her business experience, Dawn became a sought-after Executive Coach helping leaders understand and enhance their impact on others and their contribution to the world. In this podcast:

  • How the media industry reflects our society and shows how it has moved forward.

  • The evolution of leadership style and approach behind the screen.

  • Why a generational shift towards people who are resilient is happening because of leaders' great intentions with zero competence.

Scott Warrick is the author of the international best-selling book, Healing the Human Brain and travels the country telling his story of how he was able to rewire and repair his brain back from PTSD to where his brain is now about 85% improved and many parts of his brain are entirely cured.  His son, Michael, who has Asperger’s Syndrome autism, was able to rewire and repair his brain to where it is now at about 75% improvement. In this podcast:

  • Why chronic distress is the number one threat to health according to Harvard Medical College and the American Psychological Association.

  • Why a brain healthy workplace involves conflict resolution and emotional intelligence training for supervisors and managers.

  • The need for better treatment of people in the workplace to promote productivity and leadership.

Jess Keefe is a writer, editor, and advocate who also works with national and local addiction nonprofits to increase naloxone availability and improve treatment standards. After she ended things with her long-term boyfriend, she moved in with her brother Matt in hopes that family could help her not only heal from the break-up but also evolve into a healthy adult. But that fantasy ended when Matt’s heroin addiction came roaring back after lying dormant for years, leading to a fatal overdose. In this podcast:

  • Why early intervention is important to prevent drug abuse.

  • The different forms of talk therapy and medication that can be used to treat addiction.

  • Why the current healthcare system is not well-equipped to handle addiction treatment.

Andrew Thorp King is an executive fintech banker, spy novelist, speaker, punk rocker, podcaster, ex-bodybuilder, cigar lover, and serial entrepreneur. He founded two independent record labels and has invested in many spaces, including online lending, fitness, lead generation, and independent music. He is also a serial failure, crashing and burning through bankruptcy, divorce, mortgage default, public assistance, and multiple business failures. But, like a jack-in-the-box he pops back up every time. In this podcast:

  • The definition of failure

  • The five rules of failure

  • What success looks like.

Connie Monroe worked as a director at Merrill Lynch before she decided to pursue her ultimate dream of writing and transformational coaching in 2008. Connie is now the CEO of Monroe Coaching where she helps women after their own divorces and also runs women's renewal retreats in Costa Rica, facilitating a lasting new mindset of joy and happiness while surrounded by nature, peace, and tranquility. In this podcast:

  • Why people get stuck

  • The importance of having good role models

  • Finding yourself through joy.

David C. Bentall is founder of Next Step Advisors and has been advising family enterprises for over 25 years. He has also personally experienced succession in his family’s real estate and construction businesses. David recounts his personal experience of stepping into his family’s business enterprise, and stepping on many toes in his short time span. After he was summarily shown the door, he had to examine his behavior and, in time, realise all that was wrong in his approach. In this podcast:

  • Why it’s important to spend some time working in an outside organisation

  • Nine character traits important for business execs

  • The dynamics of managing family business relationships

Lisa Marie Platske left her career as a Federal law enforcement officer after 9/11 to become the CEO of international leadership development company, Upside Thinking, Inc. An award-winning leadership expert recognised by the White House and Small Business Administration, Lisa Marie is a regular contributor to Forbes.com and is an international best-selling author in five countries having written or co-authored seven books. In this podcast:

  • How leadership is a personal journey

  • The 7 Pillars of Leadership

  • How to be a courageous leader

Nick Jonsson is the Co-Founder and MD of EGN Singapore, one of Asia’s premier networking organisations. When he was working as an MD in large international companies he suffered from feelings of loneliness and isolation so he has now built a confidential peer group for senior executives. This provides them with a safe haven where they can receive support and learn from each other as well as share their challenges such as being an isolated leader and how they have overcome them. In this podcast:

  • How leaders can find themselves in the isolation trap

  • Why leaders find it difficult to ask for help

  • How negative feelings can build up and take a mental and physical toll

Alexandra Wyman lost her husband to suicide and could not find solace in the existing theories on the stages of grief, so she created her own. She is dedicated to helping others who have found themselves in the Suicide Club find peace and joy again and shares the three stages of grief she developed that helped her make sense of her grief and process her husband’s death. In this podcast:

  • The individuality of grief

  • The importance of setting boundaries

  • Working through emotions

Joe Caruso is an expert on the individual mind, the collective mind of an organisation and how meaning drives our behavior and determines outcomes in all aspects of life. Joe brings his lifetime of expertise to help organisations and leaders change the way they see themselves - and in turn, the way they think about markets, products and services. . In this podcast:

  • Moving from problem orientated thinking to solution orientated thinking

  • Approaching change by defining problems

  • The importance of narrative

Ellen Meredith is the author of Your Body Will Show You the Way and The Language Your Body Speaks.  Since 1984 she has been practicing as an energy healer, conscious channel, and medical intuitive, helping over ten thousand clients and students worldwide to engage with the body’s energies to activate healing. She teaches energy medicine courses on the Shift Network and has served on the faculty of energy medicine pioneer Donna Eden since 2010. In this podcast:

  • How energy medicine activates healing

  • Why we need to listen to our inner wisdom

  • Learning to recognise what your body needs

Cindy Benezra is an author, inspirational speaker, entrepreneur, and sexual abuse advocate. She is the author of the newly released memoir, Under The Orange Blossoms and the founder of CindyTalksTM, a platform where she discusses healing tools and stories of hope for other trauma survivors. She engages with her readers through honesty, humility, and genuine care for those who have walked a similar path. In this podcast:

  • Why a willingness to heal is essential to the acceptance process

  • The importance of not defining yourself by abuse

  • Why we need to share hope

Rocky Buckley helped his clients bring over $100 million dollars in training programs and information products to the market and consulted on over 3000 projects with clients ranging from billion-dollar brands to experts, authors and thought leaders. He then decided to reinvent himself and his business to become a and coach and consultant to solopreneurs and successful corporate executives and service providers looking to reinvent themselves. He now helps them in the development of their business models, personal brand and how they package themselves. In this podcast:

  • How to stand out in a crowded market

  • Making structural shifts to get unstuck

  • Emotionally tapping in to your sense of purpose.

Lorna Byrne never finished primary school as a result of her dyslexia. Now though she is an international number 1 bestselling author (her last two books have gone straight in at #1 on the UK Sunday Times Chart) with more than a million readers around the world. Her books, Angels in my Hair, Stairways to Heaven, A Message of Hope from the Angels and Love from Heaven have been translated into 30 languages. In this podcast:

  • How Lorna sees her angels

  • Connecting with the soul

  • How her angels have helped her overcome problems and obstacles.

Donna P. Dahl, M.Ed., is a thought leader, leading and award-winning executive empowerment coach, author, and speaker who utilises a next-generation individualised implementation process founded in neuroscience. She works with leaders, decision-makers, teams, CEOs, and entrepreneurs around the world who are ready to move from stuck to start in as little as 90 minutes in this new era where so many are unsure of how to gain traction in their role.  In this podcast:

  • Why you need resilience to write a book

  • The importance of starting with the ‘why’

  • Why multitasking accomplishes nothing.

Lt Col Brian L. Slade has held command positions in the Army and the Air Force and received the Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star, and fourteen combat air medals. His experience comes from flying one of the most lethal helicopters in the world over an unforgiving Afghanistan whilst his training, especially practicing chair-flying, prepared him to face the challenges of combating enemy fire while being a husband to a wife suffering from mental illness. In this podcast:

  • How to prepare the mind to survive difficult decisions

  • Define your honourable mission

  • How to practice chair flying

Amy Beckley, PhD, is the founder of Proov, the first FDA-cleared test to confirm ovulation at home. After suffering several years of infertility, including seven miscarriages, Amy underwent two rounds of IVF, the second of which resulted in her son. When she wanted another child, without further IVF, Amy used her background in hormone signaling to find that she had a problem with ovulation which caused a progesterone deficiency. An inexpensive progesterone supplement, allowed Amy to have her second child, a daughter. In this podcast:

  • Why blood tests don't provide the full picture

  • How tracking the menstrual cycle can help woman’s health

  • The importance of optimising and balancing hormones

Christian Espinosa is an entrepreneur, a cybersecurity engineer, a certified high-performance coach, a professor, and a lover of heavy metal music and spicy food. He’s also an Air Force veteran and Ironman triathlete. Christian used to value being the “smartest guy in the room,” only to realise that his greatest contribution to the fight against cybercrime is his ability to bring awareness to the issue through effective communication and leadership training. In this podcast:

  • Christian explains why leaders need emotional intelligence and people skills

  • Why awareness needs to be actionable

  • How technical skills and people skills come together in an awesome leader.

Dr Amy Mednik is a psychiatrist who specialises in the overlap between the humanities and neuroscience. She leads a lecture series for psychiatric residents in training, social workers, and psychology trainees and is involved in brain and linguistic research. She has also has authored articles in Clinical Psychiatry News and in conjunction with Dr Diane Lennard has published a book about the remote experience - what is wrong with it, why it makes us feel exhausted, why we have trouble focusing and why do we feel what we feel socially. In this podcast:

  • Amy explains how the latest brain science is network based

  • The use of psychopharmacology

  • How we can improve the remote experience.

Kimberly Brown is a meditation teacher and author. She leads classes and retreats that emphasise the power of compassion and kindness meditation to reconnect us to ourselves and others. Her teachings provide an approachable pathway to personal and collective well-being through effective and modern techniques based on traditional practices. She studies in both the Tibetan and Insight schools of Buddhism and is a certified mindfulness instructor. In this podcast:

  • Kimberly explains the difference between Buddhist and non-Buddhist meditation practices

  • How Buddhists approach grief and loss

  • The link between meditation, compassion and wisdom.

Desange Kuenihira is the CEO and founder of unDEfeated, a non-profit organisation that provides education and support for underprivileged youth and women in extreme financial hardship in Uganda. As a young girl, Desange was told repeatedly that she was meaningless. An arranged marriage and motherhood before twenty were all she should expect. But Desange knew she had more inside her and that education was the key to unlocking her potential. In this podcast:

  • Desange talks about her journey from civil war in Congo, to a refugee camp in Uganda and finally to America

  • The hardships facing women in Uganda

  • How education is the key to change.