Marv Weidner - Grief, Loss and Resilience

When Marv Weidner lost his wife, Marty, to cancer in 2017, he was unsure how to find the resilience and sense of purpose to begin living his life again. With the help of Carol, a counselor for over 22 years who specialises in grief, Marv learned valuable lessons about facing grief head-on, embracing loss as an integral part of life, staying present in the midst of trauma, de-stressing in healthy ways, and reaffirming or discovering a new sense of purpose. 

Marv co-wrote When the Rocks Sing: A Story of Love, Loss, & Learning to Live Again alongside Carol and the book places the voice of a man who lost his beloved wife to cancer side by side with the perspective of the grief counselor who walked the road of rebuilding and resiliency with him.

In this podcast:

  • Rediscovering a sense of purpose after loss

  • Understanding and characterising grief

  • Why embracing loss and similar challenges is an integral part of life

You can find out more about Marv by connecting with him via Facebook or read his book When the Rocks Sing.

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