Norman Rosenthal - Defeating SAD

Norman Rosenthal is a world-renowned psychiatrist, public speaker, and best-selling author who is known for his innovative research and inspirational writings. He is currently Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University School of Medicine and is listed as one of the Best Doctors in America. Dr. Rosenthal has practiced psychiatry for over three decades, treating people with all manner of psychiatric and emotional health issues. He is also a motivational speaker and a personal and professional coach, working with people from all walks of life including CEOs, top athletes, and performing artists.

In this podcast:

  • The importance of light in regulating circadian rhythms and its effects on mood.

  • How transcendental meditation can help with winter depression

  • The role of the vagus nerve in relaxation

  • The therapeutic power of poetry.

  • The need for multiple approaches such as light therapy, exercise, cognitive interventions, socialisation, and meditation to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

 You can find out more about Norman at or purchase his latest book Defeating SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

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