Linda Rossetti - Thinking differently about disruption.

Linda Rossetti is a business leader, Harvard MBA, former Fortune 500 executive, and pioneering researcher on individuals’ experience at the crossroads of their lives. She is the founder of The Transition Institute, LLC, a firm that partners with corporations, nonprofits and individuals on a new way to successfully move through major changes. Her work has been featured on NPR, NECN, CBS/WBZ, Money Magazine, SMARTBrief, the BBJ, and other outlets.

Linda offers insights that can serve as on-ramps at times of upheaval, uncertainty or disruption when we need a new response to how we imagine ourselves. Linda provides a roadmap to moving beyond these points of uncertainty and for personal and professional success that empowers individuals to greet uncertainty with confidence.

In this podcast:

  • The power of changing narratives and shifting from a chronological narrative to a value-based narrative.

  • Why educating people about the options and new perspectives during times of disruption can be enlightening.

  • The importance of anchoring on things that hold meaning or value in times of transformation.

  • Why we need to ask new questions and explore different narratives to move forward.

  • The different levels of response to change.

  • Focusing on the practical and emotional aspects of transformation.

  • Why people should see disruption as an opportunity to engage more of themselves and amplify their voices.

  • Why there is a need to change the way society responds to disruption.

You can find our more about Linda at Her new book is Dancing with Disruption: A New Approach to Navigating Life’s Biggest Changes 

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