Frank Forencich - The human animal

Frank Forencich is an internationally recognised leader in health and performance education. As a writer, speaker and movement teacher, he brings a unique perspective to the human predicament and offers practical solutions for some of
the most pressing problems of the modern age.

Frank earned his B.A. at Stanford University in human biology and neuroscience and has over 30 years teaching experience in martial arts and health education and also holds black belt rankings in karate and aikido. Frank has traveled to Africa on several occasions to study human origins and the ancestral environment.

Frank feels a sense of martial artistry is essential to our survival. Gripped by confusion, fear, and outrage, we feel the need to act, but we don’t even know the fundamentals: what to fight, who to fight, when to fight, how to fight, or why to fight. Awkward and impulsive, we’re ineffective and a threat to ourselves and others and in a hypercomplex world that’s teetering on the edge of social and ecological collapse, conflict is now inevitable, but is rarely taught in any intentional way.  In this podcast:

  • How to turn on the autonomic nervous system to avoid chronic stress.

  • How martial arts develop the whole person and help people understand the environment and how to take appropriate action.

  • The need for engagement to improve people’s health.

  • The lost art of conversation and verbal dexterity and the importance of harmony in martial arts to avoid conflict.

You can find out more about Frank at and get social with him on FaceBook or Twitter
His book is The Enemy is Never Wrong: Martial Art, Activism, and the Fight for a Functional Future.

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