Dr Charryse Johnson - Integrative mental health. Changing mental patterns.

Dr.Charryse Johnson, LCMHC, NCC is a veteran psychotherapist and mindfulness practitioner whose work focuses on the intersection of trauma, somatic integration, spirituality, and social justice. She is the founder of Jade Integrative Counseling and Wellness, an integrative therapy practice where personal values, the search for meaning, and the power of choice are the central focus. Charryse holds a B.A. in human development and family studies; an M.A. in professional counseling and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology with a concentration in crisis and trauma.

Charryse feels there is a wealth of potential trapped within our hidden and unresolved places of pain. Yet, without conscious participation, we can become stuck in a cycle of repetitive patterns that leave us feeling like an imposter in our own lives. 
In her book Expired Mindsets, she gives people both the courage and the keys to understanding the root of their patterns and provides an introspective mind-body approach that demonstrates how to shift into a higher place of peace and potential. This book has a gentle yet poignant way of compelling you to own your story and to stop blaming yourself for the choices you made as you sought to survive. 

In this podcast:

  • What is integrative mental health and how does it differ from traditional approaches?

  • How does mindfulness and meditation play a role in mental health?

  • How can belief or spirituality be rejuvenating for some people?

  • How can we teach children to analyse information and think critically?

  • What are the negative effects of social media on children's ability to think and learn?

  • How can we build resilience in children without forcing them to constantly navigate difficult situations?

 You can find out more about Charryse at www.drcharryse.com, get social with her on Linkedin or find out about her book Expired Mindsets

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Integrative mental health. Changing mental patterns.