Andrew Thorp King - The five rules of failure

Andrew Thorp King is an executive fintech banker, spy novelist, speaker, punk rocker, podcaster, ex-bodybuilder, cigar lover, and serial entrepreneur. He founded two independent record labels—Thorp Records and Sailor’s Grave Records - and has invested in many spaces, including online lending, fitness, lead generation, and independent music.

He is also a serial failure. He has crashed and burned through bankruptcy, divorce, mortgage default, public assistance, and multiple business failures. But, like a jack-in-the-box after a punch, he pops back up every time, rebuilding his life - informed by failure - with a big smile on his face.

Failure can ruin lives and families. There’s no denying it. It can destroy your health and obliterate your self-esteem. But it also holds a lot of value on the road to success.  The experience and immediate tangible results of failure suck. But if you follow the rules of failure - seeing beyond the mess and picking through the good stuff left in the rubble - you can move forward into success.

In this podcast:

  • The definition of failure

  • The five rules of failure

  • What success looks like

 You can find out more about Andrew at

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