Amy Beckley - Understanding infertility. The importance of Progesterone

Amy Beckley, PhD, is the founder of Proov, the first and only FDA-cleared test to confirm ovulation at home.

When Amy and her husband wanted to start a family she suffered several years of infertility, including seven miscarriages. She also underwent two rounds of IVF, the second of which resulted in her son. A few years later when they decided they wanted another child, without another round of IVF, she worked with her doctor using her background in hormone signaling to uncover what was causing her pregnancy problems. She found that she was having an issue with ovulation which was causing a progesterone deficiency - a luteal phase defect. With the help of an inexpensive progesterone supplement, Amy went on to have her second child, a daughter. In this podcast:

  • Why blood tests don't provide the full picture

  • How tracking the menstrual cycle can help woman’s health

  • The importance of optimising and balancing hormones

You can find out more about Amy at

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