Alyse Maslonik - Using anger for positive change

Alyse Maslonik is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and survivor of domestic abuse. Her mission is to empower and uplift people, especially young women, who have been dealt a tough hand. Just like she was.

Born into generational poverty, Alyse overcame the odds to escape her circumstances and become the founder and CEO of RedefinED. She and her team have raised millions of dollars in scholarship money for children from underprivileged backgrounds. Her forthcoming memoir, The Anger She Keeps, gives readers a look into her past of trauma and abuse. As a speaker and an author covering these difficult and painful topics, she hopes to inspire and help women experiencing similar struggles.

In this podcast:

  • The idea of resilience and how it can be learned.

  • How anger can be used as a tool for good.

  • The importance of learning from past experiences.

  • RedefinED Advisors, and their work in the education sector.

  • The need for action and creating actionable items to create change.

  • Why women are discouraged from expressing anger

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