Molly Sider - Share your story

Molly Sider is the creator and host of I Am This Age, the podcast proving you're never too old to make a big change. Molly has been making her own big life changes throughout her 40’s including transitioning from being a long-time wine professional to a podcaster and certified professional life coach. Molly is also a storyteller and believes the most efficient way to create peace in the world and within yourself is by sharing your story and listening to other people share theirs. Molly’s favorite thing to do is help people reveal their true identity and life purpose through, of course, stories. 

 In this podcast:

  • The benefits of sharing personal stories and experiences.

  • How opening up can help individuals understand their core identity and values.

  • How privacy is okay for those who are uncomfortable with sharing personal details.

  • The importance of interpersonal communication in calming one's nervous system and reducing stress.

  • How listeners can start small by journaling or listening to others' stories before sharing their own.

You can listen to Molly’s podcast at or find out more about her at

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