Lisa Marie Platske -  The leadership journey

Lisa Marie Platske left her career as a Federal law enforcement officer after 9/11 to become the CEO of international leadership development company, Upside Thinking, Inc. An award-winning certified master coach, leadership expert and speaker recognised by the White House and Small Business Administration, Lisa Marie is a regular contributor to and is an international best-selling author in five countries having written or co-authored seven books.

Her mission is to transform lives through leadership by teaching mission-driven and service-based entrepreneurs, consultants, and corporate leaders how to live out their big mission in the world. Her 7 Step Leadership Model is designed to help them grow a bigger vision, create a meaningful brand, and position their expertise, allowing them to be seen and heard and rewarded for their message.

In 2015, she was recognised by The International Alliance of Women as one of the top 100 Women Making a Difference in the World and has recently been recognised as a top coaching consultant by Forbes.

In this podcast:

  • How leadership is a personal journey

  • The 7 Pillars of leadership

  • How to be a courageous Leader

To find out more about Lisa Marie visit www.upsidethinkinking

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