Jim Harshaw - Be inspired by success … and failure

Jim Harshaw has a unique take on success and failure. Despite humble beginnings as the son of a construction worker and secretary, he became an NCAA Division I All-American wrestler and later the youngest Division I head coach in the country. Through his life, he has spent significant time with Olympians and millionaires, discovering their systems and frameworks for world-class performance.

As an elite athlete turned personal coach, success and failure inspire Jim’s unique approach. As president of The Harshaw Group, his performance coaching firm, he has helped CEOs, entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 leaders, and athletes from the NFL, UFC, NCAA, and Olympics maximise their potential, build high- performing teams, and increase resilience by leveraging failure for success.

In this podcast:

  • The importance of mental focus, hard work, and inspired action.

  • The importance of focusing on the process rather than the outcome.

  • How creating a vision in all areas of life (relationships, self, health, and wealth) is critical for setting goals that align with one's purpose

  • The importance of failure in personal growth

  • The need for infrastructure to support resilience in real-world situations

  • The difference between hard work and inspired action and the significance of having both in alignment with one's vision.

  • The importance of having a clear vision and values to create an environment of excellence.

  • Why having goals, micro-goals, coaches, and people around you is essential for achieving success consistently.

You can find out more about Jim at jimharshawjr.com/resilience to schedule a 30-minute conversation about how his framework applies to your life, or to listen to some episodes and access the action plans from those episodes.

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