Podcasts 2018

Dr Russell Thackeray In the last podcast of the year Russell closes off 2018 and gives us some tips on getting ready for 2019. Additionally he gives us his views on how we can survive and thrive over the festive period - a time that can be very difficult for some people.

Ewan Flynn Author Ewan talks about how playing football with his old school friends gave him the impetus for his debut book We are Sunday League, the benefits of football as a fan or player, and the positive effect team sports can bring.

Patrick Waller tells us how helping his daughter get on the property ladder made him consider the financial uncertainty facing the majority of under 35’s. Hear his thoughts on how a good financial strategy can help build financial resilience for the younger generation by maximising the financial leverage of the older generation.

Rachel Cullen is a writer, blogger, author and runner, as well as a reformed ex-commercial litigation solicitor! Rachel suffered from bipolar disorder and body dysmorphia and spent many years feeling trapped and miserable. Eventually though she turned to running and fitness and in this podcast, Rachel picks up on the negativity of being ‘labelled’, how it can eliminate possibilities by 'pigeon holing' people and stop them from evolving into their next challenge.

A series of resilience podcasts by our own Dr Russell Thackeray.
How to build self-esteem.
How to build resilient relationships.
How to create focus and build resilience.
How to make the most of your holiday.

Mark Tyrell is a psychology trainer and psychotherapist who specialises in hypnotherapy and the treatment of trauma. In this podcast he discusses how hypnotherapy creates resilience.

Dr Neil Stanley is an independent sleep expert who works with healthcare professionals, schools, charities and the general public. In this podcast he shares with us the importance of sleep, what poor sleep does to us, how to get a better nights sleep and understand how much sleep we actually need. Discover the biggest enemy of sleep and whether we actually need that mid day nap!

Jo Emerson is an expert coach in confidence. Jo helps people find what is truly inside them on a personal level. Her view is that the only way to be truly confident is to be who you actually are. Jo helps us understand what confidence is and why our inner voice is more dangerous when it comes to our emotional lives and provides advice and strategies to build confidence and be less fearful.

Kenneth Miller is a clinical and community psychologist who captures the remarkable human capacity for resilience in the face of great adversity. Through the writing of his latest book "War Torn", Tony looks into the lives of civilians caught up in war's destructive power in Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Guatemala, and Sri Lanka.

Dr Jennifer Guttman is a cognitive behaviouralist in New York City, who believes that you can do something about your moods in the way that you talk to yourself. The more effectively you talk to yourself the more effectively you can function in your life. She has developed her own type of therapy, Sustainable Life Satisfaction (SLS). Jennifer shares her 6 steps to achieving Sustainable Life Satisfaction and a life of contentment. When people master all elements together they have the ability to conquer challenges and become resilient.

Joshua Smyth is a Professor at the Pennsylvania State University, who focuses on understanding how people, their perceptions and interactions with the world, shape their health. He is uniquely interested in how we respond to stress and manage stress to improve happiness, wellbeing, resilience and health. His strategies have proven to reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed by a stressful event helping people break down and manage the challenges and stressors in their lives. He had written a book with James W Pennebaker, called Open up by writing it down: How expressive writing improves health and eases emotional pain.

Anne Grady provides 7 practical strategies to improve emotional intelligence and build unstoppable resilience. Some of these things Anne did by herself but there were other things that she had to learn to improve. As you will discover, part of Anne’s journey is the relentless challenge of raising a mentally ill child. Despite numerous obstacles, challenges, and setbacks, Anne has become a successful entrepreneur, speaker, author, and mental health advocate - sharing humor, insight, and inspiration with organisations and audiences around the world.

UK Sports Psychologist Rebecca Symes, enhancing performance and wellbeing. There is still stigma towards psychology being there to fix problems but Rebecca tends to work with people when they are performing well but looking for the advantage, the competitive edge. Find out how to develop a culture to nurture your team. What is the relevance of coaching, the importance of failure and the downfall of focusing on winning?

Andrea Owen has had her share of dramatic and traumatic events. She was at rock bottom but it was also exhilarating because she felt that she was handed an opportunity. She knew that this was her life and she needed to stop these patterns and behaviours and learn to live. Author, mentor, and certified life coach, Andrea helps high-achieving women let go of perfectionism, control, and isolation and choosing courage and confidence instead. She has helped thousands of women manage their inner-critic to create loving connections and live their most kick-ass life.

Mark Wentworth, colour ambassador, helps people to know themselves - what is naturally there through the medium of colour. The right colours can bring out the best of who they are. Mark shares the different effects that colours have on us from the nurturing browns through to the creative purples. Colour has a language and every colour that we put around us tells part of our story.

Dr Christine Whelan, author and professor from University of Wisconsin, is passionate about purpose-focused approaches to health, finances and self-improvement strategies for life’s transitions. Find out how to find your purpose in 4 easy steps and understand the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ to make it happen, that will keep you on track. Living purposefully allows you to embrace opportunities when they come because you have that larger frame of what matters to you and why

Jay Papasan is a successful American Writer and Business Executive who has written a huge number of books with Gary Keller, including the No1 Best Sellers The ONE Thing and The Millionaire Real Estate Investor.  Jay learnt to fail faster and discovered the importance of his friendships, mentors and coaches. He shares the common process that really extraordinary, successful people follow and some interesting tips and techniques to allow us to apply this process to our own lives.

Dr Russell Thackeray helps us get stress into perspective. We learn how we need stress in our lives, the biochemistry of how and why it arises and what we can do when things gets out of kilter and our stress levels are too high. Russell takes a closer look at anxiety, he also talks about the unhelpfullness of being pessimistic and the effect that being a perfectionist can have on our stress levels. Resilience is key to combating stress and Russell shares some top tips to improve your levels.

Professor Daniel Simons from Central Illinois USA, works in the area of visual cognition. He discussed the reliability of our human memories and the danger of we trusting they are accurate. Learn about his famous project The Invisible Gorilla, http://www.theinvisiblegorilla.com/gorilla_experiment.html When we focus twe tend not to notice other unexpected things. Focus is fascinating.

We have turned the tables and our very own Dr Russell Thackeray takes a closer look at Highly Sensitive People (HSP) and how it can make or break someone. HSP's are hypersensitive to external stimuli, they have a greater depth of cognitive processing and high emotional reactivity. They automatically have a negative connotation and seem uniquely placed to have a miserable existence…. but they can also have an absolutely fantastic one too!

Comedian Matt Kazam from Las Vegas shares the experiences and coping strategies that he has devised throughout his 6,000 shows. Humour can diffuse negative situations. It can help us remember things, be more genuine, gain more trust and be more innovative. Matt is keen to empower people with his humour skills, so we can defuse negative situations, improve communications and make the most of meetings and presentations.

Lauri Mackey is a positive crusader and Holistic Coach from Southern California, who wants to empower people to figure out who they are and what they want to be. Do you see your full potential? Some people have mastered it but some are just dipping their toe in the water. How do we give ourselves permission and be honest about what we want?

Dr Mark Changizi is a theoretical cognitive scientist who created his own lab and started a research industry to fund his work. He focuses on the evolutionary principles underlining why we are the way we are. Why we have evolved to do the kinds of things we do or have the body structures that we have. Mark asks three questions: Why do we see in colour? Why does reading come so naturally to us? How has music mimicked nature?

He says he is “the laziest guy in the world”. David Allen has spent many years figuring out how to make things happen with the least amount of effort as possible. David, a world renown Productivity Consultant, is best know for creating the time management methodology “Getting Things Done” (GTD). David provides tips and strategies to help us develop clear space, so we can focus on what we are trying to do.

As a Lecturer at Bangor University and Clinical Psychologist, Dr Judith Roberts is concerned with all aspects of mental health. Judith talks to us about how our stress response gives us energy to do things … but it is what we do with this energy that counts as stress has a more serious side which Judith explores. Find out how stress triggers anxiety and 5 ways that we can boost our mental wellness to tackle stress and beat anxiety.

Robert Phipps has written a very thought provoking book about body language. He is an expert in his field giving insight on TV in the Trisha Goddard Shows, Big Brother’s Little Brother, The 5 O’clock Show – to name a few. His book is called “Body Language - its what you don't say that matters”. Robert shares tips and strategies as to how we can improve our awareness of our own body language, so that we can make changes if we want to and gain greater control.

Candice Walley is a Vinyassa Yoga teacher. Learn how yoga has evolved immensely in recent years and find out why it is possible for anybody to have a go, no matter what their ability or gender. Understand the benefits of yoga, what you need to get started, what you may expect at a yoga class and why we may need to experiment with different styles of yoga.

Following her parents moved from India to Scotland in the early 1970’s, Anu Thompson eventually became a Barrister and member of the Bar in England and Wales. She shares the problems and challenges she has faced in a multicultural society and how she got through the hard times. How she developed early on a clear idea in her mind of what she wanted to be and the approaches she used to get there.

Anna Richards is a Holistic Therapist, Counsellor, Hypnotherapist and Rackie Healer and the most astounding achievement of all…….. the mother to ten home schooled children. Life is about relationships and the most important connection is between parent and child.

Alison Benney made some tough choices and took some brave decisions to enable herself to follow her chosen HR career. At the age of 30 she went back to University and spent 9 months in halls of residence to successfully complete a Post Graduate degree. This opened doors to jobs at a higher managerial level and ultimately her goal to run her own HR support business.

Rugby League player, Luke Ambler is tackling one of the biggest taboos of our time – suicide. It is the biggest killer of men under 45 yrs. Luke’s brother in law took his own life. It was the greatest pain he had ever experienced. Learn about two words that had got Luke through the tough times and how he is trying to get men to talk and raise awareness of mental health.

Larry Ward is a Dharma teacher who is passionate about neuroscience and meditation. Larry talks us through the three sorts of resilience that he sees in people. How to develop mindfulness through meditation to bring calm, recognise our breathing patterns, understand emotions, "reframe" and make choices.

Kenneth Miller is a clinical and community psychologist who captures the remarkable human capacity for resilience in the face of great adversity. Through the writing of his latest book "War Torn", Tony looks into the lives of civilians caught up in war's destructive power in Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Guatemala, and Sri Lanka.

Tony Crabbe, a business psychologist, has written “Busy” - how to thrive in a world of too much - a best seller and one of the top 3 leadership books in 2016. Being "Busy" is a standard response but Tony shows us how to move from being reactive, to more intentional and create environments that allow us to do our best thinking and be creative.

Captain Rachel Dunn shows real grit and determination, as the first woman to become an Admiralty pilot in the UK. She was recently awarded the Victoria Drummond award for boosting the profile of women at sea. Find out how tough the job is and how she copes with being a woman in a very male dominated world.

Catherine Louise Birmingham, world renown Equestrian coach & trainer, shares how the riding principles of focus, feeling and action can help us all on our journey to build resilience.

Dan Lawson a Mental Health Counselor, helps us find happiness by focusing on the good and not what has gone wrong and building discipline once we understanding what we really want in life.

Pauline Durham is just an ordinary person who has done an extraordinary thing…… she rid herself of diabetes. Pauline takes us on her journey of how diabetes crept up on her and what she did to fight back.

How to handling change, managing stress and improve low self-esteem. Sue Firth is a business psychologist who looks at the relationship between “the way people think and the way they behave”, and has brought this into the corporate world.

A strong sign of resilience is the ability to constantly change and reinvent. The Next 100 Days podcasts with Kevin Appleby and Graham Arrowsmith, looks at reinvention and making your intentions really happen.

Eps 021 - Dr Charles Eugster, who at 97 years of age is a world-renowned expert in successful ageing and multiple world record holder in a variety of sports.  Charles hasn't retired... he's taken on new challenges, learnt new things, improved his body and his health... but most of all, he's having fun!

Corbie Mitleid realises that life comes down to three big questions and it's all about making choices. If she wanted to change things, it had to start with her. Share Corbies’ brilliant mechanism to deal with stresses and her thoughts around changing your responses to stress if it just won’t go away.

Crystal Goh is a practitioner and neuroscientist working California. She shares with us how Mindfulness, yoga and meditation have transformed her life and how she is working with China to build greater awareness and resilience as many struggle to access help for mental health issues.

We look at how to be more financially resilient. Patrick Waller of Financial Planning Partners identifies how to make the best of your money, and the effect of money on our life and personal resilience.

We chat to Steve Gilbert, a volunteer from Sofar Sounds, who describes the impact that Sofar Sounds music has on the artists who perform, the audiences that listen, and the volunteers who organise, and shares how you can see live music in a lounge near you!

Dr Russell Thackeray and Janet Webber look back on the Resilience Unravelled Podcasts released this year and get a grip as to what we have learnt from our wide and varied, amazing podcast guest

Holly Dickinson is a recruitment consultant by day …. and in her spare time... a natural body builder. With her outstanding self-regulation we wanted to get to grips with what makes Holly tick and understand how she focuses her mind and body.

With food fads and contradictions flying around, it's difficult to know what is best to eat. Rachel Course, a passionate Nutritional Therapist, shares valuable and practical information about foods that are key to developing resilience and help us battle through those stressful times.

Interested in finding out the 5 most important reasons why we have had an explosion of stress related illness and mortality in the last 50-60 years ?... join our conversation with Dr Mary Wingo

An interview with Jackie Rainford, a vibrant coach, trainer and L&D consultant, who is passionate about supporting people through life and work, especially when “stuck" in some shape or form and unsure which way to go.

Becca Dean has influenced and enriched the lives of hundreds of young girls as they start to find their feet in the world! Her idea and passion now shines in The Girls Network, who inspire and empower girls from the least advantaged communities by connecting them with a mentor and a network of professional female role models.

Charlotte Waller is certainly a force of nature to be reckoned with. She started running with her Dad at the age of 14 and together ended up running a marathon in every continent. They were the third Parent/Daughter couple ever to do so. Charlotte's passions are reflected in her work so listen to secrets and tips to help you keep on running.

If you are struggling to get hired, looking to achieve more in your career, are nervous about interviews or just want a change – this heartening podcast will inspire you to think again before attending your next interview. David Carey's tips and advise around how you can improve and develop yourself, to create confidence and brightness and reach your full potential. 

Prof Antonia Bifulco is a psychologist and researcher at Middlesex University in London who's area of interest has been around "How people’s early life stress experiences affect them later on". She reveals why anxiety has always been an issue and how it affects our resilience. Her work has honed in on the most important factor of building your resilience....and also identifies resiliences downside! 

It has long been considered that being too sensitive is a weakness, often associated with fragility or vulnerability. But what if sensitivity can give us the edge, creating greater self-awareness and improving emotional intelligence? Is it a trait required to be a resilient leader? An interview with Dr Michael Pluess, a senior lecturer at Queen Mary University of London explores this and more. 

An interview with Claire Carradice, a tenacious digital marketer who packed up all her things, travelled over 1000 miles with her dog and African Grey Parrot, to Cape Town for a new start.

An interview with Peter Fisher, a colourful and versatile violinist, soloist, chamber musician and orchestra director. Peter’s ability to cope with pressure and adaptability has opened doors to an extraordinary career.

Tiffany Joiner the "yogaplegic" has a story to tell when an accident completely affected her ability to lead her former life. She is genuinely inspirational and her outlook and strategies can help everyone facing adversity – from her ‘pity parties’ to a good ‘belly laugh’.

Dr Russell Thackeray talks about BREXIT, the change it has caused and how to improve our resilience.

An interview with Veronica Pullen, The Social Marketing Queen, who survived a range of personal crises and challenges, to become a successful online Coach and Entrepreneur.

An interview with Jeremy Warren - a scientist, commercial executive and director, who holds a Round Britain record in Hafren.

EAn introduction to QED and the whole subject of resilience.