When resilience becomes toxic

In today’s fast-moving and competitive workplace, the idea of resilience, of bouncing back and remaining positive in the face of adversity or stress, is seen as an important attribute. But, with the world of work constantly changing and ongoing disruption and uncertainty, being consistently upbeat can take a real toll on mental health and emotional well-being. At this point resilience can become toxic.

The idea of toxic resilience centres on the expectation that employees should be able to deal with stress, pressure, and adversity by hiding their human vulnerabilities. Despite adverse situations such as ineffective organisational culture, inept management, or ongoing under resourcing, high workloads, and lack of work life boundaries, they keep going and stay productive!

This type of culture puts pressure on employees to keep quiet when they’re overwhelmed or struggling. They don’t feel able to ask for help or raise their concerns because if they do, they are made to feel that they are letting their colleagues down, are incompetent or weak, or simply aren’t resilient enough. A culture of fear then develops, and employees start to put their own needs behind that of the organisation, going beyond their limits and adopting unhealthy coping mechanisms that can have severe and long-lasting effects, and lead to burnout, mental health issues and decreased morale.

It's therefore important that leaders are able to recognise if a culture of toxic resilience is emerging and can instead start to build an environment where healthy resilience can develop. This means creating a culture where authenticity and open communication is valued, mental health resources provided, and managers enabled with the training to support their team and to understand the importance of their own mental health and wellbeing.

Resilience shouldn’t be needed to get through every day, it should be drawn on in the short term, when challenges arise, or problems have to be overcome. If leaders want to create workplaces that foster growth, fulfilment, and well-being, they need to lose the culture of toxic resilience.