Lyrical Leadership and the five-step path of transformation.

Keywords - Resilience – Leadership – Poetry – Control - AI

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled, Aneace Haddad, an executive coach and author based in Singapore who talks about his background as a former tech entrepreneur turned leadership coach and writer. He talks about his recently published book, "The Eagle That Drank Hummingbird Nectar," which explores the concept of lyrical leadership through the five-step path of transformation - entering the path, resilience, limiting beliefs, innovation, and mindfulness – to enable leaders to let go of limiting beliefs and labels to become more resilient. The book is structured as a fictionalised account of his experiences and draws on Eastern philosophy principles without explicitly mentioning mindfulness.

Main topics

  • The importance of relinquishing control to create a new culture that can solve complex problems.

  • The concept of lyrical leadership

  • The value of letting go of rigid labels and authority while maintaining some control

  • The illusion of self and mindfulness

  • Overcoming contradictions and balancing innovation and results


1: Introductions 00:00-00:36
2: Aneace’s background and career 00:41-02:19
3: Aneace's novel and writing process 02:19-04:11
4: Lyrical Leadership and Aneace's approach to coaching 04:46-06:39
5: Aneace's Book "The Dream", Five Steps to Resilience, and Letting Go 06:56-09:49
6: Detaching the illusion of self and mindfulness 11:29-14:33
7: Overcoming contradictions and balancing innovation with results 15:04-16:43
8: Chat GPT and the future of writing 17:43-21:15
9: Contact information 21:52-22:39
10: Conclusion and Farewell 23:00-23:17

Action items

  You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
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