The power of intentionality


Resilience – Intentionality – Building Relationships – Mindset Shifts – Behaviour Shifts – Intentional Action

In this episode of Resilience Unravelled John Miles, a leading authority on intentional behaviour change and personal growth, discusses his career path and experiences in various industries. John emphasises the importance of being intentional and deliberate in building relationships and adapting to different organisational sizes and sectors. He also highlights the significance of passion, purpose, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and adaptability for future leaders.

 Main topics

  • Being intentional and setting life goals.

  • Why building relationships and emotional intelligence are important skills for success.

  • Adaptability in a changing world.

  • Intentionality in making deliberate choices and taking deliberate actions.

  • How different voices and perspectives can resonate with people in different ways.


1: Introduction to John Miles. 00:02-02:35
2: The Power of Intentionality. John explains the importance of being intentional in one's career and decision-making process. He discusses how commonalities exist in various business sectors and emphasizes the need to be intentional about personal and professional goals. 03:40-08:30
3: Building Brilliant Relationships. John explores the secret to building successful relationships, highlighting the importance of trust, communication, and perseverance. He mentions the need to develop core elements often overlooked in leadership and management textbooks. 10:01-13:34
4: Mindset Shifts for Success. John introduces six mindset shifts that can be applied to overcome challenges and achieve success. He emphasizes the significance of passion, perseverance, and deliberate action in developing a growth mindset. 14:22-16:45
5: Behaviour Shifts for Personal Growth. John discusses six behaviour shifts that can lead to personal growth and development. He shares stories and examples of individuals who have successfully implemented these shifts in their lives. 23:15-24:30
6: Taking Intentional Action. John explains his approach to taking intentional action and outlines a step-by-step process for readers to follow. He provides a quiz to help readers understand their starting points and offers additional resources, such as eBooks and templates, to support implementation. 24:58-27:06
7: Conclusion and Call to Action. 27:27-29:58

Action items

You can find out more about John at His podcast is Passion Struck with John R Miles

   You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information here. Our upcoming guest list is also available along with our previous blogs.
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