Strategies to deal with fear.

The latest episode in our Resilience Unravelled series has now been released, Resilience Unravelled - Strategies to deal with fear.

Lawrence or Larry Doochin is an author, entrepreneur and survivor of sexual abuse. As a child, he felt fear, anger, guilt and shame and it wasn’t until his late 20’s and early 30s that he began find strategies that helped him learn how to deal with and release fear. It was then that he started to move along an emotional and spiritual healing path.

Larry feels that fear is an emotion, a belief and an energetic in the body. Most people know the psychological part of fear that is built into our evolutional system. Larry refers to this as good or cautionary fear but there are different types of fear some of which we are not even fully aware of. These fears that lie under the surface could be a of not being successful, of not coming up to other people’s expectations, death, or of not being not lovable or worthy enough. Some are fears we feel individually and others collectively.

To determine what fear is, we need to watch our emotional reactions and how we interact in our experiences. This is called witnessing.  We also need to see how we are projecting so we can then bring these projections back in. This will not only show us our fears but also the beliefs that support them and the conditioning that created them. We can see how they are affecting us in our lives and experiences so we can make a start on changing them. Seeing what these fears are how they were formed helps us to lose those that are not useful.

Lawrence feels that we are too preoccupied with the past and the future, going back over memories and worrying about what might happen with no real solution or plan. This is when fear can take over so we need to become more aware of our own thoughts so we can pull our attention back to the present and reconnect with our ourselves in the now where fear cannot exist.

Fear does have a purpose. We will always need to have cautionary fears but fear can also be a good thing because it acts as a pointer as to what is not working for us. This then allows us to change and overcome our fears so we have a greater sense of ourselves and can live our lives the way we want to.

You can listen to the podcast in full and find out further information about Lawrence here. Our previous podcast episodes, upcoming guest list and previous blogs are also available.

Lawrence’s book is A Book on Fear: Feeling Safe in a Challenging World.

You can find out more at