Reducing performance anxiety.

We’ve all been there. The increased heart rate, racing thoughts, feelings of dread or even panic attacks we get before our workplace skills, knowledge and performance are put to the test. The apprehension, nervousness, and fear that can arise in response to the demands and expectations of our working lives is referred to as performance anxiety and it’s a phenomenon that many people experience in their professional lives. It occurs when people feel pressure to meet high expectations, perform perfectly, or fear negative consequences for mistakes or workplace performance. In this situation anxiety can develop which manifests in various ways and can have a significant impact on an individual's overall well-being and job performance.

Workplace performance anxiety can hinder an employee's ability to perform at their best. The fear of making mistakes or being judged can lead to cautious, risk-averse behaviour and make it difficult for them to communicate their concerns or ask for feedback. Their creativity can become stifled, and collaboration reduced as they become reluctant to share new ideas or take risks. It can also negatively impact their mental and physical health, leading to burnout and decreased job satisfaction.

A psychologically safe work environment where employees feel they can share their thoughts or concerns without negative consequences and feel comfortable being themselves, leads to employees being more engaged and motivated. They are more able to openly discuss their challenges, seek help and learn from their mistakes, and are confident seeking feedback and discussing areas for improvement. Because they are happy to share ideas and work collaboratively, a more innovative and productive work environment develops. With employees feeling better supported, there is a reduction in stress and a sense of belonging and wellbeing is promoted.

Whilst a certain level of stress in the workplace is normal and can even be motivating, when anxiety becomes overwhelming and chronic, it can have detrimental effects on both mental and physical health. Building a psychologically safe workplace and addressing performance anxiety can make a significant difference in improving overall job satisfaction and productivity and provide a work environment where employees can thrive and contribute their best.