Change your perception of time

Lisa Broderick trained as an economist before going into the business world. She wanted to work on something different though where people who might be sceptics could believe it also so moved into the fof quantitative mechanics, combining it with spiritual traditions. 

Many people know they can slow down time and that time speeds up around them depending on what they are doing. Time is contextual and depends on what we focus on and how we focus. It obviously has a physical component – it exists because things move around and because change occurs - no change no time. As its impossible to have no change, we have time. There is however a perception component. If people focus intently they can slow down and speed up time but we’re not really sure how this works.

If you imagine there are two worlds – the small world of quantum mechanics that is modeled only through mathematics and the large world of cars, human beings and astraroids. These two worlds would never seem to meet but the world of quantum mechanics bubbles up into our everyday lives through for example, computers and lasers. Lisa believes that as we understand and control this more it will provide the basis for how we control time and reality.

Lisa feels that we are getting much further in understanding the actual mechanics of the advances in quantum computing and biometric computing. Quantum entanglements are one of the biggest paradoxes of quantum mechanics - the idea that two particles can exhibit the same conditions. For instance they are both blue but one is on earth and one in space.  If you turn the on earth red the one in space becomes red immediately even though they are separated by thousands of miles and violates the universe speed limit - the speed of light.

Quantum entanglement exists on the quantum level but the question is does it exist in the big world? If it does, we’re going to be able to unlock this world and control it and use it in our daily lives. Lisa wrote her book during lockdown when time was an issue. Before that being busy was seen as a badge of honour but then everything changed. People lost their sense of identity and meaning, were overwhelmed, felt hopeless and burned out. They didn’t have any meaning any more and Lisa feels that they lost their relationship with time.

When we ask people how they are they used to say fine, now they say they are busy. The perception is that there is less time or that we don't use it in a productive way. The first steps in making time more within our control is to understand the equation time from Lisa - time is one part physical and one part perception. The perception part is the part that you can control to change that aspect of time and your perception of time and reality  

Lisa feels the reason we need to know what time it is, is because we need to know what to do now. If we didn’t we wouldn't care so if we can get a grasp of what to do in turns of personal transformation, we can slow down and speed up time in order to do all the things we want to do.

You can find out more about Lisa and her work at Her book is All the Time in the World

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