Never go back? 

When people resign from a position it generally means they’re finished with that company permanently but that's not always the case. Following the Great Resignation, a large number of people are going back to their former workplaces as returning employees. In fact, a recent study by UKG shows that 43% of people who quit their jobs during the pandemic think they were better off in their old job with almost 1 in 5 of those who left jobs during the pandemic returning to their previous employer.

People can change jobs for many reasons such as improved salary, increased job security, flexible work options or simply a change of scenery but, during the pandemic, many of these things took on greater importance. Organisations entered a survival rather than an expansion mode so there were few new opportunities, which left employees, stuck in their role with limited options for change. Many decided to move elsewhere but now, as the pressures of the pandemic recede, their original companies are coming back with new opportunities and working conditions. So, as the original reasons for leaving lessen, we’re seeing the rise of the boomerang employee!

A boomerang employee is someone who leaves their organisation but then chooses to return after a period of time and it's a move that can be beneficial for both the employee and the organisation. For the employee they may bring new skills, perspectives, and experiences gained from their time away and these new credentials can be useful tools for negotiating a return to a higher position, improved pay or a more flexible work arrangement. Organisations may benefit from boomerang employees because they already have an understanding of the company culture, policies, and procedures, which can mean lower training and on-boarding costs. Because they want to return, whether its because they miss the culture, people or work itself, they will be motivated and want to succeed which can only be good for productivity and overall performance. 

There are a few downsides though. Returners may be coming back to the same problems they faced previously, they may just want to return to their comfort zone and there could be personnel issues with employees who stayed with the organisation and have not been promoted. Some organisations may have a different mindset around rehires. Given that these employees have already left once, does it appear to be rewarding disloyalty and encouraging other employees to leave and, if companies are looking at re-hiring former workers, where does that leave the labour market going forward?

The pandemic has delivered many new social and work trends and one is the opportunity for employers to engage with and truly listen to what their workers want and need. Maybe, as well as being an indicator of what motivates people to leave a job, boomerang employees could show what could make them stay?