Burnout and resilience

The World Health Organisation has identified 'burnout' as a medical condition. This podcast is presented by Dr Russell Thackeray who is someone that has experienced burnout as well as worked with people who have experienced burnout, and he says it’s a positive and timely move for the WHO to take action in this area. Burnout consists of cognitive and emotional debilitation that leads to exhaustion and can whilst a full recovery can be made, is often an "unnecessary and completely preventable" aspect of working life.

The move by the WHO represents, in our view, an acknowledgement of the seriousness of ‘Mental Health’ conditions, long under-appreciated because of the lack of physical proof. For example, break a limb and the evidence is there for all to see, however, anything that’s more ‘in the mind’ can often be attributed to being moody, lazy or even a strategy..!  And that’s a dangerous assumption as Mental Health problems contribute disproportionately to poor workplace productivity, absence and sickness.

This podcast is an overview of the challenges of burnout, some thoughts about workplace strategies and the tools and resources that can lead to burnout for employees....