Chad E Foster - Blind Ambition. From Victim to Visionary.

Chad E Foster epitomises resilience, innovation, and leadership. Despite going blind at 21, his track record as a rainmaker, billion-dollar revenue generator, and tech innovator speaks volumes.

Graduating as the first blind executive from Harvard Business School's leadership program, Chad did what Oracle said couldn’t be done — by creating CRM software for the visually impaired. Thriving in a Fortune 500 company, Chad directed financial strategies that produced billions in revenue and industry-leading growth, showcasing his ability to turn adversity into advantage. Today, he explains the anatomy of resilience, providing practical tools that empower others to emerge from setbacks stronger, sleeker, and resolute to succeed.

Through his entertaining keynotes, Chad blends heartfelt stories with actionable strategies, inspiring audiences to transcend limitations and redefine boundaries. Chad's no-fluff truth-telling and inspiring belief system have made him a sought-after speaker for industry leaders at Google, IBM, Salesforce, GE, and Microsoft. An avid downhill skier and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, he embodies his message of resilience and perseverance in every aspect of life.

In this podcast:

  • Chad's Journey of relearning and adaptation after losing his vision

  • Why effective communication is essential for safety and performance

  • The challenges and importance of building trust and maintaining team relationships in a virtual work environment

  • The need for intentionality in creating micro interactions before, during, and after virtual meetings to foster personal connections and demonstrate care beyond transactional work

  • How the differences, including disabilities, can provide unique perspectives and skills, and should be viewed as gifts rather than obstacles

  • The growing importance of resilience in the face of rapid technological change

  • The five pillars of resilience: adopting a flexible mindset, reframing situations as opportunities, finding meaning in adversity, cultivating a growth mindset, and seeking help when needed

  • The significance of cognitive reframing, and the necessity to visualise greatness even in unfavourable circumstances to inspire action and hard work for progress

  • The importance of stepping outside one's comfort zone for growth and development

  • How pushing through discomfort and terror can lead to expansion of one's comfort zone and improved clarity of thought

  • The importance of taking advantage of perceived disadvantages and how every perceived disadvantage offers an advantage if used in the right context

  • Overcoming fear by starting small and building up confidence through a series of small victories.

You can find out more about Chad at Chad’s book is Blind Ambition: How to Go from Victim to Visionary

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