Naomi Riley - Maintaining a positive mindset

Naomi Riley, a brain injury survivor turned influential motivational speaker, has catalysed change in mental health and education reform. Her personal experiences with adversity, including being diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis as a child and a brain injury in a car accident in 2017, underpins her advocacy for inclusive education for those with mental health issues and cognitive challenges. 

Naomi is a founder of Text Pledge, a nonprofit in Greater Grand Rapids, MI, that seeks to change the world one pledge at a time. Her consulting agency, which flourished by providing pivotal financial guidance during the 2020-2021 pandemic, has become a multi-million dollar enterprise, making her services highly sought after. As she champions neurodiversity and mental well-being, Naomi is inspiring a broad spectrum of individuals educators to policymakers - to redefine success and support every individual's potential to thrive in all aspects of life.

In this podcast:.

  • The importance of maintaining a positive mindset

  • How gratitude meditation helps focus on the good things in life and set a positive tone

  • The importance of emotional intelligence and how it can help us navigate through life

  • The significance of being aware of our emotions and how they are affected by others

  • The necessity of letting go of individuals who are toxic or bring us down

  • Dealing with difficult relationships at work, particularly when faced with toxic behaviour

  • Maintaining professionalism and not letting personal feelings get in the way of work

  • The importance of emotional intelligence in creating a peaceful society, particularly for youth

  • Coping mechanisms such as mindfulness and deep breathing

You can find out more about Naomi and her work or access resources at or find our more about Text Pledge at

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