Lauren Walker - Energy Medicine Yoga for stress and trauma.

Lauren Walker has taught yoga and meditation since 1997 and created Energy Medicine Yoga while teaching at Norwich University, the oldest private military college in the country. She now teaches EMYoga across the US and internationally. She is frequently quoted in Yoga JournalMantra Magazine, and Yoga Digest as well as being featured in the New York Times. In 2016, she was named one of the top 100 most influential yoga teachers in America.

Energy Medicine Yoga (EMYoga) is a unique combination of energy work and yoga. It draws on two powers everyone has — energy and the mind. Along with easy to replicate yoga poses and simple breathing practices, EMYoga offers a tool based on Chinese medicine’s Five Element Theory. This highly applicable 5E Star acts like a compass for calming any of the five main difficult emotional responses we have to any event — fear, anger, anxiety, worry and grief. In this podcast:

  • Lauren explains what Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine Yoga is

  • How Energy Medicine Yoga helps with stress and trauma

  • Why our energy needs to be in balance.

You can find out more about Lauren at Her new book is The Energy to Heal: Find Lasting Freedom from Stress and Trauma through Energy Medicine Yoga (Llewellyn Publications, May 20, 2022).

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