The importance of resilience in rebuilding the brain
After decades of unhealthy living and depression, Debbie Hampton tried to kill herself in June 2007 by swallowing over 90 pills. After a week in a coma, she woke up with a serious brain injury that left her seriously mentally impaired. Physically, she could barely speak, couldn’t coordinate the acts of breathing and swallowing, and had no fine motor skills.
Debbie spent the first year after her overdose naturally healing and then pursued a number of different therapies to rebuild her brain. In this podcast Debbie talks about the radical changes she made to her lifestyle and mindset and the resilience it needed to heal herself and her life, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
You can find out more about Debbie at:
Debbie's books:
Beat Anxiety and Depression by Changing your Brain
Sex, Suicide and Serotonin - Breaking myself apart and putting myself back together