Burnout. The role of workplace culture.
David Shar is a human capital consultant, keynote speaker and trainer who is based in Baltimore. David helps organisation's improve their leadership and culture and works with them to combat burnout, and design meaningful work. He has a Bachelor's in Human Resource Management from Colorado State University and a Master's in Industrial/Organisational Psychology from the University of Maryland. Currently he is a doctoral candidate in business psychology at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology where he is studying the interaction between meaningful work and burnout.
Stress, burnout, turnover, and interpersonal conflict are all occurring at high levels within the workplace. Organisation's written and unwritten policies and norms can impact on the employee experience. This then trickles down into other areas. By implementing changes to its culture, organisation's can prevent these problems.
In this podcast David talks about burnout, the importance of engagement and how work is transitioning, especially at the moment. He also discusses residual structures, why they need to be reviewed and how they can be changed. David also talks about leadership, building trust between employees and leaders and how changing circumstances need leaders who can 'morph' to deal with different things at different places and times.
Competitive advantage is found within the abilities and motivation of employees. Burnout can cause huge under-achievement so David discusses some of the signs organisation's need to be aware of such as high turnover and under-performance and how employee support can be provided.
You can find out more about David through his website or contact him at LinkedIn