Wendy Tamis Robbins - Escaping the box. Breaking free from anxiety.

Wendy Tamis Robbins is a lawyer by day, a writer by night and a “professional panic attacker.” Her anxiety, obsessive-compulsive and panic disorders started when she was a young child growing up in a volatile household. Anxiety controlled her life well into adulthood, to the point of agoraphobia. Despite this, she worked her way through Dartmouth College and law school before, in her 30s, she set her mind to overcoming the anxiety and panic attacks that increasingly limited her life.

Though she had dabbled in treatment from time to time, it took many years and an unsuccessful marriage before she finally took hold of her mental health and, through introspection, meditation, re-parenting and self-administered exposure therapy, escaped from her self-inflicted prison. For the last 20 years she has worked in corporate finance, creating and preserving affordable housing and lending to underserved communities. In this podcast:

  • Wendy explains how anxiety manifested itself when she was a child

  • how she tried to mask her anxiety by adopting perfectionism and people pleasing traits.

  • The roadmap to choosing thoughts that serve you better.

You can find out more about Wendy at www.WendyTamisRobbins.com.

Wendy is also the author of The Box: An Invitation to Freedom from Anxiety,

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