Wendy Björk - Taking charge of MS

Wendy Björk has been living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for over 35 years. She now uses her experience and knowledge to help people diagnosed with MS to know they have choices and that there is hope. An extreme pioneer in advocacy and mentorship, Wendy is leading a global revolution to change the face of MS. 

In living with the illness, Wendy has realised how many gaps in care exist and wishes to bridge those gaps. She has authored two books, contributes to the National MS Society's Momentum Magazine and is regularly invited on expert discussions, international podcasts and interviews to share her story.  In this podcast:

  • Wendy explains what MS is and some of it’s symptoms

  • The importance of mindset and of maintaining a positive attitude

  • The role of diet, environment and relationships in dealing with MS

You can find out more about Wendy and her work at Heartsofwellness.com where you can download her free ebook ‘What is your body trying to tell you’.

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