Susan De Lorenzo - Pulling the gems from adversity.

Mindsets and tools to rebuild, inspire and dream bigger.

Susan De Lorenzo is an author, speaker and certified transformational life coach who focuses on helping women who are emerging from life-altering adversities. As a survivor of invasive breast cancer whose marriage dissolved as treatment ended, Susan draws on her personal journey as well as her training as a life coach to give clients, readers and listeners the mindsets and tools to rebuild their lives in alignment with their deepest desires.

Susan works with her clients to build a mindset where, no matter what has happened, you believe you can create something even greater through a higher platform of awareness that gives inspiration to dream bigger and go for more. In this podcast:

  • Susan talks about the shock of receiving her breast cancer diagnosis

  • the importance of developing our relationship with ourselves

  • how adversity affects our relationships.

You can get in touch with Susan through her website or at her Facebook page.

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