Sam LaCrosse - Linking values and identity

Sam LaCrosse is a nobody. He hasn't done anything amazing. He is not extraordinary or impressive. He doesn’t even have a Wikipedia entry. He’s just an ordinary guy from Cleveland, Ohio, who now lives an ordinary life in Austin, Texas.

Sam’s approach to living a rich and fulfilling life does not involve cookie-cutter slogans or self-esteem dogma. He feels the path to a good life lies in discovering and honoring your own core values. Sam grew up as part of a tight-knit family where a constant was the ethos of values - he didn't understand what they were but he realised they were important. As he got older the idea of values became more interesting and something he investigated further, initially looking at the relationship between value and sacrifice. He then developed this into the relationship between value and identity which then became the basis for his book Value Economics: The Study of Identity,

Sam is the CEO and founder of Don’t Do This, LLC, a company that makes no money. He is also a board member of Thrive Living Corporation and an ambassador for RallyCap Sports. In this podcast:

  • Sam explains why he decided to write his book

  • How he defines value

  • What he thinks truly forms personal identity.

You can find out more about Sam at LinkedIn, read his blogs on or listen to his podcast Don't Listen to This Podcast.

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