Rosie Mankes - From adversity to mental wellness

Rosie Mankes faced death, cancer, and trauma all in the space of one year. In 2008 she was diagnosed with Stage One Lung Cancer and had 10% of her right lung removed. Then, in 2015 she was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer but tested positive for the breast cancer gene so ended up having a bilateral mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. In addition to her breast cancer diagnosis she also had to transition her mother to an assisted living facility because of her progression of her dementia and then lost her 58 year-old brother in an accident.

Her recovery from these major challenges inspired her to write her book Find Your Joy and Run With It, a heartwarming memoir about how she overcame the three losses in her life. In her book Rosie writes about how she moved from significant adversity to emotional wellness in the space of one year. She also talks about how she become a life coach and motivational speaker to help other people pull through significant adversity and life challenges. As a life coach Rosie feels she has most value when she is working with breast cancer sufferers and with families who are having to transition their parents into assisted living or memory care facility from home.

Rosie is a resident of New Jersey, where she lives with her husband and is the mother of two grown sons. In this podcast:

  • Rosie explains how she managed to find joy in everyday living again

  • How making a number a small changes can work better than ‘big picture’ thinking

  • Why you need to define what makes you happy

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