Paul Denniston - Grief Yoga. Healing through movement

Paul Denniston has been a student of yoga for 20 years and is a certified teacher in Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Kundalini Yoga, and Laughter Yoga. He founded Grief Yoga which pulls together yoga, movement, breathwork and sound to transform pain or struggle and connect to empowerment or love. Since then he has trained thousands of therapists and health-care professionals on healing grief in the US and around the world.   

Paul has studied with some of the top leaders in loss, David Kessler, as well as William Worden, Elisabeth Kübler Ross, and Peter Levine. He now teaches Grief Yoga in one of the largest hospices in Los Angeles. He has also taught at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Massachusetts and will be teaching at Esalen this year. Paul has taught the techniques and exercises of Grief Yoga to over 4000 therapists, counselors and health care professionals to use with their patients in The United States, England, and Australia. In this podcast:

  • Paul explains how Grief Yoga can help people move through challenging emotions such as anger or anxiety

  • How holding onto pain in the body can manifest itself

  • Why we need to acknowledge our grief.

You can find out more Paul through his website

His new book, Healing through Yoga. Transforming Loss into Empowerment will be available in January 2022 but can be pre-ordered from his website.

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