Pat Moffett - Raising awareness of Early Onset Alzheimer’s.

Pat Moffett married his wife Carmen in 1976 and they raised five children together.  Then, in 1998 Carmen was diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's. After years of struggling with the disease, she was finally admitted to a nursing home and Pat then wrote his book ‘Ice Cream in the Cupboard’ about their story post diagnosis.

After Carmen's death in 2010, Pat continued to work with the Alzheimer's Association, raising awareness and providing support for the caregivers and loved ones of Early Onset Alzhimer's victims.  He also brought his book to the big screen and the feature film ‘Ice Cream in the Cupboard’ was released in 2019. In this podcast:

  • Pat talks about how Early Onset Alzheimer’s can present itself

  • How patients strength and anger can lead to violent behaviour

  • The importance of caregivers finding time and support for themselves

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