Michele Capots - Running towards the cannon. Self-acceptance, resilience and mental wellness

Michele Capots suffered from a clinical depression in her 20s and later, a bipolar I diagnosis caused her to lose all self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. She felt defined by her illness and was unsure what it meant for the rest of her life. She no longer believed in herself, and lost the confidence to achieve her goals.

It was that catalyst that started her on a personal development and self-discovery journey where learned the power of resilience and how to not only bounce back, but bounce forward into a life of positivity and purpose. She started studying the power of the subconscious mind, and how to reprogram the limiting beliefs that had been holding her back.

Today, Michele believes every thought has an impact on her mental wellness, positively and negatively. She practices the very mental wellness strategies she learned that align her mind, body, and spirit, to work together and achieve ultimate success. She believes life is about so much more than going through the motions, like she once was, but instead it’s about learning how to thrive. Mental wellness provides the space to do just that.

Now, she uses her experience to empower others that it’s possible to rise from any situation that may be weighing you down, making you feel less than, or not good enough. The circumstances may be different, but the feelings of low self-worth and lack of confidence are universal to everyone who’s experienced them. Your past does not define you.

Michele has made it her mission, and passion, to inspire others to overcome the barriers preventing you from living your very best life, no matter what the obstacle is that is holding you back so that you can be the person you’ve always known you could be.

In this podcast:

  • Michele explains the difference between mental health and mental wellness

  • Why ‘running towards the cannon’ helped her with self-acceptance

  • Dealing with the problem of self-stigma

You can find out more about Michele at http://www.michelecapots

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