Laura Khoudari - The body, mind and PTSD

Laura Khoudari is a trauma practitioner, certified personal trainer, and corrective exercise specialist whose work grew out of her own experience healing from trauma. Laura designed a holistic program to support her own treatment for PTSD and as she put together a program for herself, she realised that practitioners who worked with the body often did not fully understand how trauma impacted their clients.

Frustrated that there weren’t more people in the fitness space who were equipped to help clients living with trauma, she decided to become the trauma informed personal trainer and coach she wished she had had. Her holistic programs draw from body-based trauma healing modalities, neuropsychological models, psychodynamic theory, mindfulness practices, and exercise science. In this podcast:

  • Laura explains what trauma is

  • The importance of being in touch with your body in therapy

  • The different elements that make up body-based trauma healing.

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