Estelle Giraud - Empowering your health journey.

Estelle Giraud is a PhD scientist in population genetics who has turned commercial operator, founder and leader in biotech and frontier medicine @Illumina. Estelle is also a mother and has had to navigate the change and challenges that come with that journey! She is both excited and scared by the rise of big data in healthcare and wellness and is passionate about creating a better healthcare system from the ground up, especially for individuals.

Estelle believes we have the fundamental right to have agency over own bodies and our own health and that this can’t be layered in political, religious or any other way of thinking – it’s your own body, your own health journey and, as humans, we have the right over that along with the privacy that goes with it. She also believes people don’t neatly fit in single boxes and that some of the most interesting insights about people and the world come from the unplanned intersections. She is open to the tough conversations about the hard problems we face, and thrives in finding new understanding through conversation.

In this podcast:

  • Why we need to own our own health journey

  • How our health data can empower and serve us

  • Why our health journey needs to be holistic.

 You can find out more about Estelle and Trellis Healthcare on LInkedIn or at

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