Chris Marshall - Controlling our emotional states

Chris Marshall is a speaker who has a wealth of life experience and a unique perspective. As a High Functioning Autistic (HFA), Chris has always seen the world a little differently. But this different perspective has fuelled his curiosity and led him on a series of adventures, from ski racing to behavioural science to global macro strategy, to becoming a Master Distiller and owning an international award-winning distillery. 

Chris connects with people on a personal level and whether he’s speaking about the future, human behaviour, human potential, or the benefits of embracing neurodiversity in the workplace, he delivers his message in a way that’s easy to listen to and impossible to forget.

As the director of the Fast Paced Complex Environments (FPCE) Institute, which brings together a wide range of fields to address some of the most complex challenges facing society today. But don’t worry – he won’t bore you with graphs and charts. Instead, he uses his unique perspective to offer fresh insights and new ways of thinking about the world around us.

In this podcast:

  • How stress can elevate pessimistic viewpoints due to neuroplascity effects on our brain circuits

  • Why becoming aware of our emotional state is important for controlling it.

  • How emotions are just signals representing ease of thinking about a specific concept and not necessarily positive or negative.

You can find out more about Chris at Fast Paced Complex Environments (FPCE) Institute or or Chris’s book is "Decoding Change"

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