Carol Schultz - Building talent-centric organisations

Carol Schultz, founder and CEO of Vertical Elevation, is a talent equity and leadership advisory expert. Recognised for her proficiency in corporate leadership, she’s spent three decades helping executives gain clarity in their careers, make bold leadership moves, and create cultures of performance. Schultz and her team have helped hundreds of companies - from seed stage pre-initial public offerings to publicly traded companies - transform their organisations and create sustainable, talent-centric cultures that run at maximum efficiency.

Talent-centric organizations (TCOs) put their people first, weaving employee needs into the very fabric of the company, rather than shoving masses of warm bodies into cold, open chairs. The resulting ROI? TCOs generate 32% more revenue than traditional organisations over a five-year period, get new products to market twice as fast, and outperform the competition on the S&P 500 by 211%

In this podcast:

  • Discovering gaps in vision, business strategy, and communication

  • The differences in communication between generations

  • The importance of effective communication and understanding

  • Coaching to uncover blind spots and give AHA moments

  • Getting leadership teams aligned so they can take action on other matters

  • The need for effective team communication

    Understanding the preferred communication style of team members

  • Addressing personal issues that may affect an employee's performance in the workplace

  • Why leadership teams should be open to conversations about improving organisational performance.

You can find out more about about Carol at Her book is Powered By People: How Talent-Centric Organizations Master Recruitment, Retention, and Revenue (and How to Build One) and she is also the host of the popular podcast Authentically Successful.

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