Bob Krulish - Life in the Bipolar mind

During Bob Krulish’s tenure at a major insurance he saw a doctor for stress related symptoms and was incorrectly diagnosed with depression. He was placed on a medication that would ultimately cause him to ruin his own life. Once Bob received the proper diagnosis of Bipolar 1 Disorder, he was able to slowly put his life back together and soon found the strength to share his struggles with others. Now, he coaches private clients and their families to better manage the disorder. Through his teaching, he seeks to eliminate the suffering caused by bipolar disorder.

Bob is currently developing a robust online program including webinars, written, and audio content as a pioneer in the field of mental illness. Through this work, he continues to build his platform and speak at national conferences about hope and recovery. Bob regular coaches individuals and family members living with bipolar disorder or dealing with serious denial.

Bob is the author of When Screams Become Whispers and lives in the United States just outside of Seattle, WA.

To find out more visit or Bob’s Bipolar Solutions Facebook page

In this podcast:

  • Bob explains what Bipolar Syndrome is

  • The effect it can have on everyday life

  • Different ways to manage the symptoms

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