Beth Bell - A journey of awakening

Beth Bell’s soul journey has taken her around the world to live, starting with humble beginnings in North Dakota, to California, New York City, Singapore, India, Bali, and now back in California. She spent 15-plus years in strategic brand management in the pharmaceutical industry, before becoming an entrepreneur and developing inspirational products, including a silver jewelry line for both eCommerce and a retail shop in Bali. She currently produces and co-hosts the Psychedelic Sages podcast and is an advisor to CEOs and psychedelic pharmaceutical companies. 

Beth was willing to look past her hopeful marriage, lovingly restored vintage home and jet setting career to listen to the calling of her soul. Ever searching through all of life’s twists and turns, she rode out her roller coaster ride of fantastic highs and dark lows. Romantic relationships served as her teachers and greatest source of pain and disappointment. Money, career, and possessions turned out to be the easy stuff. Once she learned to tap into Source Energy, angel guides, and people with both good and evil intentions — all designed by her higher self to teach essential lessons — she started to understand why we suffer. Now she understands how to glide through life by managing her mind. After deep dives into a myriad of healing modalities, she uncovered shortcuts to the bliss of divine oneness through plant-based medicines, more commonly referred to as psychedelics. She realized that heaven on earth is not only attainable but is everyone’s birthright. In this podcast:

  • Beth explains the importance of intuitive risk taking

  • Why we need to unravel the storylines in our mind

  • How psychedelics have helped her to embody intellectual concepts with her spiritual learning.

Beth’s new book, Angels, Herpes and Psychedelics, shares her journey of awakening and provides a spiritual toolbox others can learn from.

You can find out more about Beth at

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