Amy Eliza Wong - Choice, growth and resilience

Amy Eliza Wong is a certified executive coach who has devoted more than twenty years to the study and practice of helping others live and lead on purpose. Amy graduated from UC Berkeley with a B.A in mathematics and has an M.A in transpersonal psychology from Sofia University. As a certified Executive Coach she uses her expertise in transpersonal psychology, design thinking, interpersonal neurobiology, and Conversational Intelligence® to provide thousands of transformative experiences for individuals, executives, teams, and organisations.

Amy has an intense passion for helping people thrive and live into meaningful joy and satisfaction from living, leading and communicating without fear and false perception. She thrives on helping others live and lead on purpose. In this podcast:

  • Amy talks about the link between resilience and growth

  • Why we need to ‘feel it out’ rather than ‘figure it out’

  • How to make the choice that truly serves us.

Find out more at Her new book is Living on Purpose: Five Deliberate Choices to Realize Fulfillment and Joy (BrainTrust Ink, May 24, 2022).

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